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| Peregrinus5Floh
# Statistics
Favourites: 360; Deviations: 54; Watchers: 265
Watching: 66; Pageviews: 35342; Comments Made: 957; Friends: 66
# Comments
Comments: 120
SmudgeThistle [2013-03-25 21:51:52 +0000 UTC]
Your art is absolutely beautiful! There are no words...
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to SmudgeThistle [2013-03-28 07:01:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for all your kind words...they tickled my heart
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SmudgeThistle In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2013-04-10 00:32:14 +0000 UTC]
Awwwww, glad they did! You deserve that. I basically told everyone I knew about your art, I love it so much!
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Noeddebo [2012-10-24 21:28:01 +0000 UTC]
hey! Happy birthday! Every time I get an deviant message I hope it's because you posted a new picture
Hope you are doing well and that you had an amazing day!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2012-10-25 07:14:55 +0000 UTC]
Aaaah oh man I promise there will be more!!! Thank you so much that's probably one of the nicest and most heartwarming things that anybody has ever told me before
How're you doing?
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Noeddebo In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-10-25 07:48:59 +0000 UTC]
Well.. that was just a fact! So no problem
I'm doing great. Looking for a job.. Working freelance on a project for an entrepreneur that I know. Really exiting actually. He has developed a new product, and it's my job to prove that it is salable.
What about you?
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2012-10-25 18:18:07 +0000 UTC]
Wow that sounds very exciting does this new product finally turns concrete into plants? I'm waiting for such an invention since kindergarten... just had to google entrepreneur for i grew up behind the moon and didn't know the word somehow the german description sounds a bit like what I'm going/trying to be by taking full responsibility for managing my life and selling my skills and ideas to the world now...just haven't quite made it out of the frontdoor yet...
..but I finally realized what I and my life are worth and am ready for it
So I'm currently refining my portfolio to catch some jobs
So we're practically both on the jobhunt all the best luck for you! what job are you looking for?
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Noeddebo In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-10-26 17:18:50 +0000 UTC]
Yeah - I wish it did something as wonderful as that. But I have to disappoint you. It's some kind of device for your phone. Little boring actually ;D
Heh, I didn't know what entrepreneur meant until they told me in school.. It's basically someone who is inventing something. At least that's what it means in danish..
And wau! That sounds really interesting! What kind of jobs are you applying for? What is your dream about it?
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2012-10-27 09:25:01 +0000 UTC]
Well...one day somebody will
If not, I have to do it myself
Well, as soon as this little fine booklet of mine will finally turn out satisfactory, I'll send it to any possible art-society, publisher of books/comics/games, film-producers...well simply every company and every person who fascinates me and I'd love to work with...
This might not be the most professional way, but still it feels like the right way for me...and somewhere there might be a project where my way of doing things, could come in useful...
All in all my dream about it is, to unleash my imagination, create beautiful and mysterious characters, creatures and atmospheres that captivate and remind the spectators of the wonderful infinity of possibilities, when nature and imagination work as a team ..that's pretty much it
simple ey?!
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Noeddebo In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-10-29 18:47:33 +0000 UTC]
Wau.. you are so cool! That is really a good idea! And actually almost the only way of getting there. Doesn't pay of to wait for the job to become available.. You have to make them notice you! Actually, you should go knock on there door so they can see that you are not only great at the creative thing, but that you are a wonderful person too!
And - I think we share the same dream! Except iv'e only gotten my imagination, and not the wonderful drawing talent you have! I wish you had a crappy imagination and I could just come up with the stuff you should draw (wow, what a mean wish
) I try writing it down, but it doesn't compare to drawing it.. oh well.. guess I could just practice....
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2012-11-04 09:03:50 +0000 UTC]
What do you mean you only have your imagination??? That's all you need darling and you should do whatever you possible can imagine with it
!! And if ever you're mind comes up with something you think I'd be suitable to draw...never ever hesitate to ask me please, instead you really want to do it yourself! Drawing and writing, they go hand in hand but that doesn't make either of them less expressive, that'll stay in the eye of the beholder forever after...oooooh and once combined
that's where the real magic grows...
You're awesome!
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Noeddebo In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-11-06 18:00:25 +0000 UTC]
Aww.. that is so sweet of you! Thanks!
And yes! I couldn't agree more! One of the reasons I loooooove your Harry Potter art!
I wish I could draw the characters that I write about.. but I'm just never satisfied! Know that feeling? I could try to explain it to you, but I don't think it would be the same..
Speaking of - do you know thees two gentlemen [link] you would love it!!!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2012-11-07 22:53:45 +0000 UTC]
Well if you could do everything what would the others in your life do?
But yeah I know that feeling perfectly well...but I'm currently on my mission to defeat it so hopefully I'll be satisfied with what I do...then again...maybe i enjoy being unsatisfied?!
But well if you're a writer?!...should I send you my portfolio (once it's finished) for you might be a potential client?!
Thanks a lot for the link...they appear very interessting gonna read that!
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Noeddebo In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-11-09 13:23:31 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! You really should! If I ever finish a book, you would definitely be on my list of people I would love to draw the cover! That would be so awesome!
Are you writing anything?
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2012-11-16 19:17:18 +0000 UTC]
Well that sounds like business! You're on my list of potential clients now!
what sort of books are you going to write or are you writing?
Mmmh I always said I'd be a writer when I grow up, ( well just after I said I'd be an astronaut ...) but I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to express in words what I'm not even sure I can express in pictures, but somehow I feel more comfortable throwing colours around than letters...but as I said I love them both!
so my dream would be a combination of the two, a graphic novel for example...something like this...I'm still collecting ideas but there's some magic world in my head that longs to break free and I think it's gonna be somewhat of a life-project...but well I think we should take as much time as we like to fulfill dreams that are personally important to us...
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Noeddebo In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-11-21 10:43:57 +0000 UTC]
Wau - it's exactly the opposite with me. I feel so much more comfortable trowing words around than colours! I love drawing and painting and do it often, but it never looks like I picture it in my head. Very unlike what I write. It turns out exactly like I imagine it! And I can easily change it if I like..
I would love a combination of drawing and writing too. Maybe not a graphic novel - but if I ever where to publish a book, I would want there to be pictures in it. Even if it's not a children's book! But I would love to come up with the ideas to a graphic novel!
At the moment I'm writing many different things. Some realistic, some fantasy, some sad and some happy. My biggest project is a fantasy novel (uhh - I have never ever told anyone about this before! Except my husband!) I love to create, and at the moment I'm trying to come up with a whole new world! It is absolutely amazing - Nothing is impossible, I can do whatever I'd like!
how far are you with your portfolio?
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2012-12-31 17:22:32 +0000 UTC]
I'm so sorry my dear little danish friend ...I've been quite busy the last month...Hope you're very well and I wish you the most amazing start into 2013! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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Noeddebo In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2013-01-12 19:18:43 +0000 UTC]
no problem! I'm sure you are busy with your portfolio - which I'm by the way, looking forward seeing
and happy new year to you too!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2013-01-17 19:10:13 +0000 UTC]
all done and printed!!!
So, if you send me a note with an address, I'll send one exemplar your way!
Thanks a lot for your interest and hopefully there'll be a day to mingle our skills ...it would be an honor!
Hope you're donig fine?!
Best wishes,
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Livadialilacs [2012-10-24 20:48:02 +0000 UTC]
Oh how lovelydialilaaaa!!! Thank you so much!
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Livadialilacs In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-10-26 15:09:22 +0000 UTC]
You're quite welcome!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Mairelyn [2012-10-24 20:44:58 +0000 UTC]
Hooohoooo my this looks so colourful and delicious
Thank you so much!
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Issaja [2012-09-15 23:29:39 +0000 UTC]
es ist erfrischend und schön, deine Bilder zu betrachten, in deinem Farbenmeer zu verweilen und sich dann vom neid zerfressen zu lassen - ne, Blödsinn.
Aber du hast wirklich einen unheimlich schönen, surrealen und phatasievollen Stil, der so unheimlich gut in die Potter-Welt passt. Und wenn es nicht gerade schräg, surreal ist (George and Luna for example), dann ist es einfach nur schööön... oder witzig, wie ich bei deinem letzten bild merken musste. Arthur mit verrutschter brille, very sweet! (und irgendwie haben mich seine Gesichtszüge an Luke Skywalker erinnert - aber das ist sicherlich reiner Zufall...
du merkst schon, mir geht es wie all deinen anderen Fans, ich bin einfach nur platt und hoffe, dass da noch viel kommen mag
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Issaja [2012-09-27 08:43:51 +0000 UTC]
Oh mann, vielen, vielen Dank für deine tollen Worte!
Es macht mich wirklich glücklich zu sehen/lesen dass euch mein Weasleykrams gefällt ich hoffe auch, dass ich noch ganz viel Zeit und Inspiration haben werde viel mehr zu fabrizieren...aber ich denke schon
für mich ist's die beste Übung!
Also herzlichen dank nochmal und alles liebe!
P.S. ahahah ja stimmt er sieht ja echt aus wie Luke Skywalker...war keine Absicht
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Weasley-Detectives [2012-07-30 23:46:13 +0000 UTC]
GAH! I forgot to tell you- I'm going to see Neil Gaiman at the Edinburgh Festival! You must come over
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Weasley-Detectives [2012-08-02 19:12:41 +0000 UTC]
Oh my...Hayley Campbell that's you isn't it? You must've made one huge impression by Mr. Gaiman...there he went and told the whole world about your meeting! now I really bite my ass for not being there!!!
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Weasley-Detectives In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-08-02 22:09:40 +0000 UTC]
Bwaha, I WISH! I just saw that on tumblr myself actually. ^^ My name's actually Hali Campbell, so pretty close. Man, if only that were me. Perhaps someday! By the way, have you listened to any of Amanda Palmer's music? She's Gaiman's partner and one of my flipping idols. Listened to her stuff for years. Met her too about 10 years ago in Glasgow (I'm always drunk when I meet my heroes :/ )
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Weasley-Detectives [2012-08-02 23:35:27 +0000 UTC]
You reckon he'll notice the difference when a Ms Hali Campbell asks for another interview? Now that they *sealed* their friendship it shouldn't be a big deal... hehe..but what a coincidence...I'm going to have a listen to her music now,no idea why I still haven't..Next Time it'll be you!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Weasley-Detectives [2012-08-01 23:45:14 +0000 UTC]
Oooooh how I wish I could!! ...There goes that drunk scottish girl with her crazy tale again...hehe...he probably even remembers..enjoy and tell us all about it!
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stu461rain [2012-07-22 12:20:53 +0000 UTC]
du hast wirklich einen wahnsinnig originellen und schönen stil! das kombiniert mit den weasley-zwillingen (und dann auch noch starkillers unübertroffene fanfiction-fortsetzung!) ist schon fast zu gut, um wahr zu sein!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to stu461rain [2012-07-28 12:35:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh je welch wundervolle Worte ...
Vielen Dank, aus tiefstem Herzen!!
Es ehrt mich sehr, dass nicht nur ich Freude an meinen Weasley-Zwillings-produktionen habe die Zwei machen einfach viel zu viel Spass! hehe
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stu461rain In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-07-30 14:31:01 +0000 UTC]
gern geschehen, ebenfalls aus tiefstem herzen! weiter so!
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Sweetrosali [2012-07-05 09:31:03 +0000 UTC]
Übrigens hast du da 'ne tolle Galerie mit sehr schönen Bildern. Respekt!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Sweetrosali [2012-07-06 15:13:42 +0000 UTC]
Aww vielen herzlichen Dank! Freut mich sehr dass sie dir gefallen!
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Sweetrosali In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-07-06 18:58:37 +0000 UTC]
Immer gerne! Auf jeden Fall verdient.
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Noeddebo [2012-06-13 11:40:29 +0000 UTC]
Wow.. I just wrote maybe one comment to many! (See - now I'm doing it again!) Hop it doesn't annoy you too much! I simply couldn't restrain myself
Oh - and by the way! You look beautiful!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Noeddebo [2012-06-13 12:33:11 +0000 UTC]
Aaah Wow how could those fantastic comments from you ever annoy me??? Thank you so much my love! But I have to dash to the airport now so I won't be able to reply for a week, leaving to Harry Potter country
Please think about something I can draw for you, for showing you how much your lovely words mean to me !!!
Thanks so much again!
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Noeddebo In reply to Peregrinus5Floh [2012-06-13 12:37:32 +0000 UTC]
You are so sweet! That made me smile! Even though I'm in the middle of exams! So thank you! I hope you have a wonderful time in "Harry Potter country" - I wanna go too!!
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Popinns [2012-06-10 16:04:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a bunch for the fave and watch!!
I appreciate it!
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Peregrinus5Floh In reply to Popinns [2012-06-10 16:07:11 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome my friend I really love your style!
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