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| Patreek
# Statistics
Favourites: 932; Deviations: 350; Watchers: 103
Watching: 48; Pageviews: 33660; Comments Made: 1303; Friends: 48
# Comments
Comments: 130
theblock [2013-05-06 06:47:39 +0000 UTC]
Hey Patreek, wanna wish you a happy birthday, hope it was a great day And thanks for extending the Teela redesign challenge so I'll have more time to finish inks on mine. Cheers
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Spichinka [2012-09-26 19:34:04 +0000 UTC]
These are so fantastic, I've never seen someone make RB OC's. You make me want to make my own OC's haha.
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Patreek In reply to Spichinka [2012-10-04 04:10:03 +0000 UTC]
Thanks I'm glad you like them? Yea I'm pretty obsessed with it. There are more to come too. I'm about to post Starry Knight Commission and then next up is my Ghost White character.
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Spichinka In reply to Patreek [2012-10-04 12:19:06 +0000 UTC]
I can't wait to see Starry Knight and Ghost White, those sound like they'll be extra spectacular.
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theblock [2012-05-06 06:56:56 +0000 UTC]
Just stopping by at 5 till midnight before it's technically over to wish you happy birthday Hope you had a fun one
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ooBLACKNIGHTINGALEoo [2011-11-01 13:09:16 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for faving"Rainbow Brite growing up"!!
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maneus [2011-01-20 14:46:48 +0000 UTC]
Hello Patreek,
I thank you very much for adding my "Quakke vs. SF Hydron" Picture to your Favourites Gallery.
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PhantomStarStudio [2010-12-27 03:44:42 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the favorite on Starlight Rainbow Brite.
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Sllohcin [2010-10-22 21:03:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you once again Pat for the interest and fav!
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V4VOLTAGE [2010-10-17 17:42:40 +0000 UTC]
your not getting your commission from alex owins neither did I and and many others
i suggest you take further action and report him i had to do this to get my money back
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V4VOLTAGE In reply to Patreek [2010-10-17 18:46:24 +0000 UTC]
i got my money back in 2009 june or july after i ordered in 2008 nov 2nd
my buddy is still waiting on 12 or 13 pieces.
how long have you been waiting??
the guy is not providing the service he is advertising.
And wait for when you ask for your money back in a nice manner he gets all rude and angry and you didnt do anything wrong.
i would ask for your money back. but the guy takes a month or 2 to pay that back.
and depends how long you been waiting????
every time i asked for hows my commission i kept getting lies "oh it will be up soon, next week" or "yeah i have done the layouts for that one"
im in disbelief he is still accepting commissions when did you order?
theres people still waiting from 2008 so GL
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Patreek In reply to V4VOLTAGE [2010-10-18 18:45:39 +0000 UTC]
I ordered Nov 2009. He recently said He'd refund my money, but then when I asked him where it was he said he didn't have the money and would either send it or the pictures as soon as he can. *shrug*... I guess I don't know what to do.. I didn't realize there were people waiting from THAT far back... ugh
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V4VOLTAGE In reply to Patreek [2010-10-18 22:32:07 +0000 UTC]
keep all your notes from him
he tends to contradict himself a lot.
he will say "would u like a refund" then you ask for it and he says "what makes you think your gonna give you a refund"
you ask hows your commission he says "should be up next week"
you wait longer no commission still, You ask why?
he says "nothing in november is being done right now im still doing october (2008 that is! i asked in jan 09 to june july09) there is still 45 sketches a head of you.
pretty much word for word.
if your not happy the next note should be demanding your sketch or refund and state that you will take further action against him if he does not refund you.
be very polite and very professional also state that he is not providing the the service advertised.
he will get mad, he did with me but you have to stand your ground as he is in the wrong.
my mate has like 13 pieces still owed from way back 2009 he has wrote it off as a loss.
so you can either wait or you can ask for your money back the guy took a month to pay me
i had to say if the money is not in my account by this time i will take further action.
its a shame too such a great artist.
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Tom-sprite [2010-08-18 10:59:29 +0000 UTC]
Hi Patreek !
I found you while browsing for rainbow brite art !
Have a rainbow day !!! ^^
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Patreek In reply to JoeyAngel [2010-08-08 07:35:51 +0000 UTC]
No way!!! Cool! Can't wait to see it!
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JoeyAngel In reply to Patreek [2010-08-08 10:20:48 +0000 UTC]
lol i did post the link under that comment, [link]
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Eqqplant [2010-03-29 16:25:57 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav! Making new Rainbow Brite characters looks like fun. I'll have to try that sometime too.
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digipinky75910 [2010-01-24 04:16:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I have sortof a mix of those. I feel I can design, but I'm a little sloppy with actually drawing. If I could only draw what's in my head, I have a pretty good imagination, but I think my skill is better with words.
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digipinky75910 In reply to Patreek [2010-01-18 22:03:43 +0000 UTC]
0_o Man, I keep gettin yelled at to "Post yer own work!" or otherwise denied entry into contests or clubs and stuff.
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Patreek In reply to digipinky75910 [2010-01-24 00:55:39 +0000 UTC]
People pare silly. I post a mix of my own art and commissions. Most of the commissions (other than the RB stuff) are of my original characters and based on my designs though.
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NJA3D [2009-10-06 16:35:27 +0000 UTC]
hey man i've seen your he man characters, and if you would like i may send you my contribution to the collection ...
contact me at vanja3d@gmail.com
looking forward hearing from you
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Cookiepoppet [2009-09-04 14:13:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fave!! I would so join your Rainbow Brite contest if you have one!
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SweetUndine [2009-08-12 07:32:01 +0000 UTC]
Colors *-*!! <3 lol
ROFL Man I hardly remember Rainbow bright >w👍: 0 ⏩: 0
madmoiselleclau [2009-06-18 16:49:30 +0000 UTC]
I looooooooove rainbow brite!!!! if u ever want a commission of her, I do commission work! but never try to do a rainbow brite one
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DIOGOAMORES [2009-06-04 00:59:01 +0000 UTC]
I did the drawing that you asked me of Rainbow Brite... I hope you enjoy ^__________^
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Patreek In reply to DIOGOAMORES [2009-06-04 01:49:32 +0000 UTC]
OMG I love it! I'm so happy!! Let me know if/when you do any of the other color kids. is it ok if I feature you in my journal?
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