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| MyVictorianSecret
# Statistics
Favourites: 61; Deviations: 200; Watchers: 1229
Watching: 15; Pageviews: 69756; Comments Made: 717; Friends: 15
# Comments
Comments: 535
creepynoodle11 [2015-08-01 04:39:31 +0000 UTC]
your work is completely insane!! I love it!!!everything about it has me interested! some gore, victorian dresses (there pretty :3) and just the oddness!! amazing job and I hope to see more of your work!💜
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creepynoodle11 In reply to creepynoodle11 [2015-08-01 04:40:19 +0000 UTC]
mostly the oddness :3 👽 hehe
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chricko [2012-10-25 13:58:34 +0000 UTC]
Wow finns du här på DA, fan va nais!
Nu har jag blivit en watcher!
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bloodmoongraphics [2012-05-12 18:56:30 +0000 UTC]
Searching your gallery and some of it reminds me of some of the stuff from Beetlejuice , very cool
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bloodmoongraphics [2012-05-12 18:48:44 +0000 UTC]
Sad I am unable to visit your site, it reports as being blocked when i try in Chrome, glad you gave a DA account, btw great art!
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lishlitz [2012-04-08 23:44:18 +0000 UTC]
your gallery is very captivating! wonderful work, love the style!
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illusmi [2011-05-16 13:18:37 +0000 UTC]
your artwork is so Refreshing and new. Its awesome to come across your gallery
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nightmarestrashcan [2011-04-30 21:59:50 +0000 UTC]
ive seen your art in juxtapoz. awesome work.
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king-dither [2011-03-28 05:41:32 +0000 UTC]
wow, some of this is just well twisted!! LOVE IT!!!
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Dead-Genre-Revival [2011-03-26 04:59:19 +0000 UTC]
Your work is amazing! I'm looking for something I saw last year... perhaps you can help me find the artist?
This is what I remember:
There are trees (it's fall), pink clouds and brown hills in the background.
There is a girl wearing a red dress and red beret with a white ribbon. She is smiling, her 2 big front teeth showing, and has brown hair (past her shoulders) and a long red nose (looks like a pepper) and she's sitting on top of…
...a woman? Wearing white stockings and lavender shoes. The women has what may be a pink dress with white lace edging draped over her head. There's a smiley face on it; it may be drawn on it, or cut out to make it a hood of sorts.
There is a white liquid on the woman's back, mostly in the area where the girl is sitting (maybe it's coming out of the girl?). There is a faucet inserted in the woman's anus, and other metal things in her vagina. There is a brown dung or mud 'packed' near the faucet. The woman is on all fours on top of…
...a man. His body is completely bound with blue bandages and red ribbons except for his feet and his erect penis. There are white worms coming out of a hole where his neck should be. There is a red pot under the worms. There is something overflowing from the pot and there are little animals (hairless dogs, cats) eating it.
On the ground, under the man and the pot, there are eggs (?) most of them are white but there are a few red ones.
In the background, there are 2 small girls standing next to a tree, watching--one wearing a green dress, one wearing a pink dress.
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MissLittlemess [2011-02-17 09:15:11 +0000 UTC]
Your work is simply brillant ! Beautifully disturbing...
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MissCreepington [2010-12-26 15:11:26 +0000 UTC]
Jeg elsker dine tegninger. Unskyld, at jeg ikke kommenter hvert ekelt, men bare spammer paa dit profil.
Min favorit er "Something about sorrow"
Meget insprirende!
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the-sin-of-sloth [2010-12-04 22:31:45 +0000 UTC]
the best way to explain you work is madness pure madness... i love it!
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PornyPortraits [2010-10-22 11:30:39 +0000 UTC]
Hey all you guys! I'm MyVictorianSecret, but I have changed my deviantart alias and moved to another profile! You can find me here: [link]
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T-A-F [2010-10-10 20:57:57 +0000 UTC]
Your stuff is amazing! Bosch in one picture, Matisse in another and Gilliam in a third - so much variation and yet with a style all your own. I'm in awe.
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bluebrittlebottle [2010-10-05 22:14:37 +0000 UTC]
You’ve been featured in the pink series!!
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lubna64 [2010-09-29 14:59:07 +0000 UTC]
your work and your imagination are incredible, bravo, keep up your beautiful trip in art!
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FriedMelons [2010-08-13 23:05:50 +0000 UTC]
I adore your works c:
It's nice to see something different for a change.
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Majskorv [2010-08-01 20:06:35 +0000 UTC]
Hej Mia! Jag tycker att du är helt fantastisk, älskar vad du gör.
Du är kanske en upptagen kvinna, men får man vara så oförskämd och fråga vad du tycker om vad JAG gör? Jag är lite förvirrad, helt självlärd, och även om man bör fortsätta lyssna till sig själv så är det ju otroligt kul att få höra en åsikt från en annan konstnär man verkligen respekterar... Hoppas att din world domination rör sig stadigt framåt, som den borde.
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jinxfu [2010-07-29 02:39:28 +0000 UTC]
Well, I could not get all the way through your gallery. Although I do like the darkside I am a bit sensitive. I don't think I want to know your secret (yes I do). I love the victorian aspect to your work. I reading Wuthering Heights right now and I'll probally incorporate your imagery to what I see in mind as I'm reading it. Thinking about your fairy tale images, I think it be cool if you did a take on Baba Yaga.
Well thanks for freakin me out.
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VampiricCentipede [2010-06-16 11:36:01 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely, definitely and for sure:
Your work is:
It makes me:
Envious (Muwahahah)
Delirious (Yes.)
At ease
So, thank you ^.^
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ElfenliedAngel-Inge [2010-06-10 21:04:12 +0000 UTC]
Your gallery is so awsome! I love it, it is like your walking in an haunted house which is full of paintings!
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Neeble [2010-03-25 10:47:03 +0000 UTC]
I never knew a person's darkness could be so beautiful, if it could be called that.
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lilink [2010-02-18 00:02:25 +0000 UTC]
Greetings for the taste, for the inspiration, for the artworks! Flamish art rules, don't it?
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jonathanjames [2010-01-20 01:52:14 +0000 UTC]
wow, i dig everything youve made, ive been adding almost every picture. i should stop and just watch you and leave for now.
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professornomnoms [2010-01-04 01:52:59 +0000 UTC]
Your work is so surreal and interesting. I love it!
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DIO086 [2009-12-13 07:17:54 +0000 UTC]
I take a look at your Gallery, it's very good, ill + you
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artisalma [2009-12-10 10:11:55 +0000 UTC]
you have an interesting style of art, glad that I found you....jag är också från Sverige
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