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| MyMomSaysImCool
# Statistics
Favourites: 597; Deviations: 58; Watchers: 65
Watching: 72; Pageviews: 24691; Comments Made: 2234; Friends: 72
# Comments
Comments: 513
blondiebronco [2011-11-12 03:48:20 +0000 UTC]
hey! i'm almost never on here - but i stumbled upon your page and i thought i'd say hi!
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to blondiebronco [2011-11-22 01:41:31 +0000 UTC]
OMG long time no see... wassup with that! You don't have me on facebook. ADD ME! Also: wassup? I haven't seen you since like westmount... and that is forever ago. I'm still at Mac, doing a double major in multimedia and geography. You?
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veritasBtold [2011-02-09 00:53:28 +0000 UTC]
Your DA Birthday was yesterday!!!
Congrats on 3 years of Deviousness!
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to veritasBtold [2011-02-10 00:03:53 +0000 UTC]
Haha thanks! I had no idea. Hard to believe it has been that long!
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veritasBtold In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2011-02-10 22:30:16 +0000 UTC]
I know right! time just flies when you're having fun!
So I just cleaned up most of the stuff in TheFabricofLife's inbox. I apologize for falling off the grid for the last few months. the holidays are always hectic for me. :/
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to veritasBtold [2011-02-11 14:48:08 +0000 UTC]
That is fine, I also fell off the grid... the whole school + girlfriend thing was epic time consuming. The less important of the two got dropped (aka my lady friend and I are done, which gives me more time to you know... actually live life and have fun and not worry!). I am officially back now, and ready to kick butt.
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veritasBtold [2010-09-15 00:57:56 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday to ya! Hope your having a great day!
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trublood-addict [2010-06-30 05:09:37 +0000 UTC]
if you can and thank you for your time and support [link]
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to gabiemiller [2010-04-23 00:20:38 +0000 UTC]
Quite welcome, it is really cool!
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wolfen-graphix [2010-04-08 18:30:41 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot man for adding my obalama to ur collection!
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to wolfen-graphix [2010-04-09 03:16:16 +0000 UTC]
Haha no problem, I actually had a similar idea when I first heard his name. But I didn't act on it... you did a great job
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wolfen-graphix In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2010-04-09 11:36:47 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, it was so obvious to me, I'm surprise nobody had'nt already turned him into a Lama! XD
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to wolfen-graphix [2010-04-09 19:01:08 +0000 UTC]
Well, someone always has to be the first
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veritasBtold [2010-03-29 04:11:59 +0000 UTC]
ok, I'm not sure if you're just new at starting groups or you want people to have total control over your new group TheFabricOfLife, but I just joined and I"m able to accept or deny my own submitted deviations and also change the names and order of previous submissions.
I'm new to groups too, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not suppose to be able to do that.... >.>
I'd be willing to help like co-operate it with you and whoever else you want to so it with you. I can't guarantee that I'll be on all the time, cause sometimes my internet fails.... :-P
anyway just wanted you to know.
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to veritasBtold [2010-03-29 16:21:36 +0000 UTC]
Sure, yeah I'm defiantly new to groups. If you want to help run it feel free. I honestly don't care who is available to switch things around, as long as people don't vandalize it. I'll add you as an admin.
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veritasBtold In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2010-03-31 02:23:30 +0000 UTC]
well, I just think that people shouldn't be able to accept their own work, that's all. it should be a "higher up" decision.
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to veritasBtold [2010-03-31 03:01:02 +0000 UTC]
Agreed, sadly there isn't a way to have it so that people can't accept their own work, at least not that i'm aware of. It requires 3 votes right now and I'm honestly not even sure how I set that up. I kinda just stumbled into it... well hopefully I can get you as an admin soon and figure out how to set it up awesomely!
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veritasBtold In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2010-04-02 20:39:49 +0000 UTC]
ok, well I just unjoined the group so now you can invite me as an admin or whatever.
I'm pretty sure that there is a way that people can't get into to groups messages, because I'm in quite a few other groups and I have to wait and see if they'll accept my work.
And it only requires one vote, cause I experimented with one of mine and all I had to do was vote yes accept and then delete and no one could tell that it was ever accepted. :/
Yes! we will make this group the most awesomest group ever!
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to veritasBtold [2010-04-02 20:58:59 +0000 UTC]
Sweet! Well, I've sent you the invite... lets make this legen... wait for it... dary!
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veritasBtold In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2010-04-04 02:31:28 +0000 UTC]
ok, I clicked NO!
just kidding! I hit yes of course! now lets see what we can do now to make everything awesome!
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to MissZydrate [2010-03-27 23:34:12 +0000 UTC]
Good, yourself? I liked the live photos of your wind inspired dress
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MissZydrate In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2010-03-28 14:41:55 +0000 UTC]
im good ta, thanks , it was a good day , i had 2 showings of the fashion show they were both packed ^.^ lol x
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to MissZydrate [2010-03-28 19:33:49 +0000 UTC]
That is awesome. I'm glad. I'm yet to actually physically make any of my designs. I am going to design a full line before I actually make anything. Right now I'm working on a Greek Mythology line of pants. I'm also working on the launch of my company/ website which is clothing oriented. If all works as planned I'll finish the website this summer with my friend then pitch it to the Canadian Dragons Den!
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MissZydrate In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2010-03-29 09:40:59 +0000 UTC]
Really, wow thats pretty awesome lol,sounds exciting, i have to make my designs , cause thats what im doing a degree in lol, hopefully i have a final major project coming up and that should be really good, the theme is Surreal icons, so it sounds pretty exciting , so i should hopefully have some new designs up for that ^.^ x
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to lancerXshinobi [2010-03-27 18:08:54 +0000 UTC]
No ptoblem... keep up the good work!
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trublood-addict [2010-03-22 19:51:53 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the fav and thank you for letting me know how to post my designs on the group. i loaded 2, it sucks that you can't load m ore then 3 in a week. but its ok next monday i'll load the top 3 from mine.
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to trublood-addict [2010-03-22 20:52:33 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I can adjust it to load more later. I just don't want people joining and flooding the group with designs... this way you can trickle them in over time.
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trublood-addict In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2010-03-22 21:12:34 +0000 UTC]
lol yeah that does make alot of seance.
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trublood-addict [2010-03-22 17:14:55 +0000 UTC]
hey how do i load designs on the fabric of life?
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to trublood-addict [2010-03-22 17:34:10 +0000 UTC]
Go to the deviation that you want to submit in your gallery. There should be a box on the right hand side that says "Submit to group" pick The Fabric of Life then pick featured. That should do it.
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trublood-addict In reply to MyMomSaysImCool [2010-03-22 17:59:38 +0000 UTC]
humm alright thanks i'll try it now
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MissZydrate [2010-03-21 17:07:24 +0000 UTC]
thanx for the fav, and the group invite, i joined ^.^ x
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MyMomSaysImCool In reply to MissZydrate [2010-03-21 18:56:51 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, and welcome to the group. I LOVE your dress design. If only I was a girl lmao jks jks.
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