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| MoonliqhtRose

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# Comments
Comments: 370
lbalaboveda [2024-08-04 15:16:38 +0000 UTC]
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inn13art [2024-07-13 12:24:50 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Inn777 [2023-07-26 13:35:03 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
AI-Ursa [2023-07-12 00:56:20 +0000 UTC]
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Lun-Zori [2023-07-09 20:45:43 +0000 UTC]
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Rikanni [2022-12-11 16:23:41 +0000 UTC]
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Machi-Mile [2021-03-22 16:47:07 +0000 UTC]
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RayningFyre In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2020-06-02 04:11:11 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 1
MoonliqhtRose In reply to RayningFyre [2020-06-02 06:15:12 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
owuvii [2020-04-22 15:31:31 +0000 UTC]
hewo!! how are u? its been quite a while since we've talked :3
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to owuvii [2020-04-22 19:55:28 +0000 UTC]
owu hii, it has been a while <333 I'm doing good, doing the best I can given the circumstances >v< I've been playing a LOT of Animal Crossing lately actually, it mightt be unhealthy XD I spend way too much time obsessing over which villagers I get, and I end up spending hours on end trying to get the perfect villager to come to my island
How about you? Anything exciting? x'D
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owuvii In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2020-04-23 18:37:54 +0000 UTC]
this is an incredibly late response, im so sorry ;w; <333 I'm happy to hear that you're doing well! animal crossing is pretty fun so i get it lol. I've also been playing a lot of Minecraft and animal crossing (mostly Minecraft though) with a couple of my friends. I'm doing well! everyone in my household is healthy, so I'm happy. nothing exciting has been happening other than my usual (homework, commissions and some exercise :3) I've taken up hypixel on Minecraft and I'm currently grinding to become better at pvp. I'm still learning the ins-and-outs of speed-bridging and getting a faster cps (clicks per second)! so yeah, that's all that's been happening :-D
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to owuvii [2020-04-27 03:46:47 +0000 UTC]
Oh you thought that response was late, check this response XD Ooh Minecraft + Hypixel! I'm not as into it anymore, but I've actually played so much Skywars/Bedwars a couple of years ago. Speedbridging just takes a lot of practice, don't be afraid to speed bridge in-game as much as you can to get better (that's how I learned anyway). Ah I think you already have a higher cps than me too, I can't really give tips x'D (I'm at around 8-9, definitely can't go higher or I'll get carpel tunnel ;v; ). Have fun on Hypixel though, I love the games on there :0 Which games do you play?
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owuvii In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2020-04-27 15:23:46 +0000 UTC]
sorry, again! sunday was an off-day for me :3 I mostly grind games on bedwars and sometimes I'll play skywars with some friends of mine, but rarely. I'm also into Skyblock & I've got 3/4 of the unstable dragon armor. also, no, I don't actually have a higher cps than you I'm kinda sad lol. I range from 6-8 cps, the best I can do is 9 cps. However, when it comes to pvp in bedwars, i focus more on how to kb/combo them and not my cps. Speed-bridging, for me at least, was semi-easy to learn. I just watched a lot of videos and I can probably do it almost effortlessly now. I definitely love bedwars though, the moment I walked into the server with my friends for the first time, I wanted to play bedwars & that's honestly all I probably do on the server :3 Sometimes I branch out and play other games though such as VampireZ, Build Battle or Murder Mystery! They're all really fun to play
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iononion [2020-04-15 23:32:35 +0000 UTC]
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RainbowGlaze123 [2020-04-08 19:05:47 +0000 UTC]
Hey hey hey! ^^ How are you Moonliqht?
Hope you and all your folks are doing well, especially with all this virus stuff going on Xc
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to RainbowGlaze123 [2020-04-09 17:43:53 +0000 UTC]
Hi Rain ^u^
I am doing well! My family and I are not in any emergency situation, just quarantine and maybe some struggle to get items in the stores (which is tiny though compared to people who absolutely needed their job to maintain a living >.<)
Aren’t you homeschooled? This is my first real experience being “homeschooled” (considering I’m learning online XD). It’s been interesting actually. A lot of facecaming though, I’m not sure if I like it x’D (somehow the camera and I are terrible friends. I somehow look even more like a potato than I do irl!).
But in actual seriousness, I really do hope this dies down as soon as possible. A lot of people are dying, having economical problems, or even just depressed because of the tension in the world rn :/
How about you? I hope you and your family are safe as well. Or if anybody is in a tough situation, I send my best wishes to them >.<
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RainbowGlaze123 In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2020-04-09 19:21:45 +0000 UTC]
That's good news! Happy to hear you guys are doing well and healthy ^u^ I wish all of you the best as well and good spirits. (Everyone could use it these days ) We'll get through! Chin up!
You are right. Quarantine does suck, sorry to hear about all that. >.< Not to mention social distancing
OOo homeschooling! Must be an interesting experience for lots, I can imagine
True, facecaming can be a pain X'D (That happens to you too?? ) My school doesn't require face cam but on the rare occasion it does I try to look as best as possible and hope they don't see how messy my room looks in the background =v= If i need help with something I ask Uncle Google.
Pretty much all the kids over here are doing that kind of "homeschool" now. They go on this online chat thing called Zoom (have you heard of it?) and do classes with their teacher. The only issue is some aren't showing up to their classes X'D
Yep, I'm homeschooled (Tho the kind I do I pretty much teach myself) so this whole lockdown thing wasn't really a big change since I never left the house much anyway...? (lol that sounds so unhealthy ^^')
True. I pray for that here as well, everyday that nobody close to me gets sick. And if they do that they recover quickly. People are getting scared and giving themselves nervous breakdowns... My dad tells us we shouldn't waste our energy panicking. We should just do as much as we can, keep our hands clean, eat healthy, exercise, that sorta thing. The rest is up to God. Maybe this provides the perfect time to focus our minds with important things that we never took to notice before?
Hey, at least we can all get in some quality family time?...everyday? Hoo boy. My family is pretty much like me now; home all day. Those who are used to being out every day are getting restless. My mom had me do a tiktok dance with her the other day. So as you can see we are slowly losing our sanity. XDD
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bluebearii [2020-04-02 02:18:38 +0000 UTC]
Pfff last night I was bored so I drew this
it’s April Fool’s day so, naturally, the Quality Quartet is going on a rampage xDDD
if you don’t know what’s going on, somehow the Quality Quartet caught them while they were asleep and drew all over their faces xD I wanted to draw something cooler but I had no idea what that would be… this is a tribute to my Pokémon anime days xDDD
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to bluebearii [2020-04-03 02:48:32 +0000 UTC]
OH MY GOSH YES BLUE this is amazing XD You and Rainbow need to create a comic together sometime, both of your humor is the purest XD The quality quartet strikes again!! The way they're in the corner and Tomomi (I believe that's who it is?) taking a picture, is comedy GOLD I know this is a quick silly sketch, but I actually really like how you drew Mio, her sketch is really good. She looks so innocent XD but she's evil inside >:0 . Just kidding, she's still the purest bean of them all >w<
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bluebearii In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2020-04-03 09:21:00 +0000 UTC]
Ahh thank you! xD GAHH but if we did that would be amazing,, I mean have you seen Rainbow’s comics?? They’re so great I can’t ahh
omg lol my sense of humor is quite weird if you ask me xD yep that’s Tomomi! I’m glad you recognized the camera lol… after I drew it, I wasn’t really sure what it looked like but I just let it go xD The thing Toralu is looking at in the top left corner is supposed to be the blacksmith’s shop (somehow, Itsuki managed to create a paint bomb that kind of backfired), but I realized too late that it looks like a blob when you’re not zoomed in xDDD why thank you! I actually drew Mio first xD I was like, “no matter what prank the Quality Quartet pulls, Mio is going to be enjoying her friends’ suffering way too much…” xDDD HAHAh,, while Mio can be evil, innocent, and a pure bean at the same time, right? xD
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bluebearii [2020-02-14 02:29:39 +0000 UTC]
okay so I remembered you saying that you put your birthday in wrong and it’s actually today (because it was my brother’s birthday yesterday and I don’t think you guys have the same birthday but HEY IDEK ANYMORE AAA) but my subconscious is probably making it up so um please don’t hate me and think I’m a terrible friend if your birthday was actually yesterday please forgive me eek but I’ll continue—
*inhales* *dramatic pause* hAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONLIQHT!!! I hope you have/had the most amazing birthday in history with your family and friends and that all your wishes come true <333
Wow, can you believe it’s been a year since we first met? Somehow it still seems like yesterday but we’ve known each other for years! I’m so glad you happened to come across my page and actually had the courage to talk to me, because, as cheesy as it sounds, I can’t begin to imagine my life without you in it :0 You’ve always been there for me in times of distress and you always manage to cheer me up, no matter what you say! You’re so sweet and kind and arguably the most generous and selfless person I know. It’s always so fun to talk to you, because I can talk to you about anything and everything and you even make the most boring of topics interesting! Oh gosh I feel like everything I’m saying isn’t enough to describe how amazing you are… I could type for hours and not even come close to finishing, so I hope you know how lucky I am to have you as a friend <333
I’m kind of on a time crunch here, or else I would write a lot more, but I’m working on your birthday present and I’m SO SORRY that I couldn’t have it finished for your birthday ;;;_;;; I’m drowning in homework and studying for tests and it all sucks… I’m so sorry! I promise I’ll have it done soon (still have to draw the Quality Quartet though asdfghjkl)!! I’m also really sorry your gift from me is so pathetic DDD: I also promise you I’ll record myself playing Spring Day on my flute for you someday and upload it to Scratch or something (and I’ll also play Happy Birthday ‘cause why not) x’D But anyway… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONLIQHT!!!
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to bluebearii [2020-02-14 04:49:38 +0000 UTC]
don't worry, you are completely right about the fact that it was a mistake but shh, I don't want to explain that to everybody who thinks otherwise and be like "yeah it was a misclick", so we're just going to downplay it XD But you're free to comment on whatever day you want
Bearii, your comment brought me to near tears I'm the one who should be so thankful to have friends like you, supporting me in so many ways. It's been an amazing year, all the laughs (and even tears and confusion XD) we've shared will never leave me.
I must admit, I feel that this year is the first in many, many years I've truly felt happy with my circumstances. As you (may?) know, multiple years ago the drama surrounding me and my friends has put a strain on my general happiness. Those were the days where I'd come to school, happy because it was my birthday, but the day just turning out bland except a cake at the end of the day. Or the so-called friends would tell me they didn't want the gifts I'd attempt to make for them (like a drawing one year). So yeah, you could say my birthday experiences weren't the greatest in real life.
But moving on from that, it's kind of sad (but at the same time amazing >w<) to admit... but this year was the first I was surrounded by friends and acquaintances outside my family on (in my opinion) a special day. Yesterday, I received multiple sweet messages from dA friends. Today I walked into class and the class collectively sang (I was so shocked, usually it's my parents singing happy birthday to me x'D), and I had actual people surrounding me as I opened actual gifts (I'm starting to realize how sad this sounds, but I promise it was a happy experience XD). And the sweetest thing: the classmates signed a card for me all with their individual messages. I found this especially cool that my classmates felt I was significant enough to even put forth effort into PLANNING something like that.
What I'm trying to say is, this year has overall been one of the best years I've experienced. From being able to form an almost family-like bond with my classmates (we're stuck in the same exact class for the entire 4 years, I would hope we didn't hate each other XD), to the happiness dA friends have brought me with your daily comments, stories, friendships...and especially you, the first of the first to start giving me this happiness, even before real life. thank you so much <3
I didn't mean for this to turn all sappy, but I just felt like writing that bc of the warm feelings I still have left over x'D
We aka me need to lighten up this mood. Um... have you watched Hamilton the musical? Here's a "Hamilton in a nutshell" www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl1Pri… there's a lot of cursing, so sorry about that x'D (there's a part 2, but I'm not sure if you even like Hamilton so I won't link it XD). ...hmm I suppose it wouldn't be funny at all if you haven't watched Hamilton, so here's something else: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Tx… (ok but like the comments are lowkey funnier than the vid itself XD).
I forbid you to work on my present until you are not busy >: ( Ok but I know how it feels to be swamped with homework and tests and stuff (cuz that's me rn). Don't worry, your comment was enough of a gift for me, don't feel time pressured for anything else!!
That being said, I would love to listen to you play your flute one day, it could be my new motivation music! :0
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Minnisu [2020-02-13 03:08:33 +0000 UTC]
I hope you received my note too but I wanted to show your page some love as well. Happy Birthday, I hope you had the loveliest day! huggles//
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RainbowGlaze123 [2020-02-12 14:47:46 +0000 UTC]
*ahem* (CLears throat and starts to sing)HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOO YOOOOUUU!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYYY TO YOOOUU !!!! (Sings really off key)
Happy birthday Moonliqht!!! Wow, the days really fly huh? I can't beleive it's already been a year and can I just say what an awesome year it's been! I am wishing you many many blessings and happiness on your birthday and pray for many more! You're a wonderful friend and your jokes are hilarious!! I can't tell yu how glad I am that I made a friend like youX33 Sorry if ths message seems kind of rushed, I have a time limit rn unfortunately. :')
You're one of the sweetest people I know on here, your art and sense of style is stunning (teach me how :'0 ) and it's always pleasurable to talk to you! You've tolerated my goofy self and I can't say how much all of that means :')
I hope you hve an excellent b-day and it's full of love and happiness shared with family and friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>w<
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to RainbowGlaze123 [2020-02-14 01:54:29 +0000 UTC]
Rainbow!! QAQ You have no idea how happy you've made me, reading such a sweet and heartwarming comment. don't worry, I sang Happy Birthday to a friend the other day and split my voice x'D
You've made my day all the more better, and I can't have asked for a better friend than you. I look forward to our friendship progressing and becoming even stronger in this year to come, and I'm so incredibly lucky to have met and become friends with someone as awesome as you.
Thank you so so much <33 hey, remember this emoji: and my personal new favorite:
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RainbowGlaze123 [2020-02-08 19:53:28 +0000 UTC]
AAAHHH GOODNESS Your page looks so FABULOUS!!! HOW JUST HOW DO YOU DO IT?? ;v; Your profile always has one of the best designs and tbh I love hopping over every now and then just to see its latest design and how well everything blends together >w👍: 0 ⏩: 1
MoonliqhtRose In reply to RainbowGlaze123 [2020-02-08 20:37:39 +0000 UTC]
tysm Rain <33 TwT I've always admired profiles who are able to create such clean and aesthetic profiles, and I've always told myself I'd do it one day >w<
I'm not sure if you remember my last profile (the one with multiple widgets and the white boxes with text?). At the time, I was pretty proud of it. But over time I realized I still wanted this type of profile. So after days of raging at SAI bc it kept not saving my progress XD trial and error I came up with something I liked. I notice I always seem to gravitate toward a darker theme too maybe it's proof of my dark soul >:0 jk I watched Batman Dark Knight for the first time last night and got so terrified at literally the first scene T-T
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minteali [2020-02-02 22:35:06 +0000 UTC]
aAAAh hello hello!! its been a really long time ;;;; how have you been recently?
your art has improved so much!! it's so wonderful!!
your page looks so lovely too <33 the aesthetic of it is absolutely gorgeous!
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to minteali [2020-02-05 05:23:11 +0000 UTC]
Ayano hi!!!! TwT It really has been quite some time. I'm doing... let's just say I'm pushing through life XD This is that time of the year where people seem to love assigning reports... and exams... and I'm honestly ready for summer break XDD But I'm getting through, it's not as bad as last semester (owo)9 I think what's making it difficult especially at this time is the Corona Virus - some of my family went to visit our relatives in China when the virus struck. But it's pretty moderate for us in comparison to other families less fortunate, as of when I'm typing. They were just a couple of days from boarding the plane when the virus broke, so they were able to come back pretty smoothly before they officially began closing airports. They'll just going to be stuck in those hospitals for a week or two. But at least they're back ;w;
I know this is pretty random to tack on, but I also need a new video game to come out, I've been video game deprived for months now .
What about you though?? How's everything? Anything exciting happen?
Thank you so much QaQ I admit, it didn't take a small amount of time to complete x'D I'm glad you like the result though! knowing me, in a month I'll probably hate it all and change it up again haha
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minteali In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2020-02-15 06:12:10 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh sorry for the late reply OTL
hello hello!! it's been forever!!
i'm glad to hear you're pushing through!! that sounds really rough- a lot of work (even though it's not as bad as last semester for you) ;-; good luck good luck!! i believe in you, you can get through this!!
ahhh i see i see that does sound rather difficult- i'm glad things will work out okay but even still ;;;; i'm happy to hear they're back although aaaaa-
aaaaaa I see I see!! have you heard of hollow knight? its my brothers favorite video game hehe, i've never played it but he said it was really good (but also rather difficult ) and then there's the new animal crossing game coming out which i'm sur you've heard of hehe
ooooh not really to be honest!! there's just a lot happening and i was kind of swamped with work for a long while hhhh- nothing exciting tbh ;;;;
of course of course!! you can definitely see the effort and work that you put in- the result is definitely worth it!!
aaaa i feel you there tbh- but who knows maybe you will like it for a long while ^^ and if not i'm sure you'll still come up with something beautiful!
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bluebearii [2020-01-30 04:04:37 +0000 UTC]
I remember you telling me how you wanted a profile like this!! I'm so glad you figured out how to do it, it looks absolutely wonderful!!! Amazing job as always... your profiles are always so beautiful ^^ <333
ok back to what I came here to tell you about... I FINALLY WATCHED YOUR NAME!!! (that sounds really subdued but to put it in perspective for you, I watched half of it before school (and that's where it gets interesting; I had to go to school and I had only watched half) and the entire day I told EACH ONE OF MY FRIENDS ABOUT IT xD one of my friends asked me, "why are you telling everyone about this movie...?") omg it was amazing... I cried x'D Movies don't usually make me cry (ok who am I kidding here, I bawled when watching The Secret World of Arietty but I blame that on functioning on three-four hours of sleep), but... Your Name proved otherwise :0 I want to cry just thinking about it... I don't fully understand what happened but I really enjoyed watching it ^^ my best friend and I are big fans of Makoto Shinkai's films and we're planning to watch Weathering With You asap x'D now I really want to read the book version of the movie... help meeeeee
ALSO HAVE YOU LISTENED TO BLACK SWAN?!?!?!?! (edit: nvm I just realized your music player is playing Black Swan lol) ok my irl friends were fangirling the entire day when it was released and while it isn't my favorite BTS song, I still really like it ^^ and also those lyrics are from Butterfly, right? wow I love that one a lot!!! it's one of my favorites tbh *O*9
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to bluebearii [2020-01-31 01:03:32 +0000 UTC]
Omg I appreciate your sweet comment, especially since it's by you QAQ It's always a joy reading your comments, you sure do know how to make people feel so warm and fuzzy inside ;w;
Last weekend I sat down (I was already bored anyway) and went "I really hate my (at the time) current profile, I gotta change this before I actually throw up". Like you've already mentioned, I really wanted a profile like this one, but I kept pushing it because I felt I didn't have any artwork that would be appropriate as profile decor (or the resolution was too small).
You finally watched Your Name? I still haven't watched it yet but your description makes me want to want to watch it asap now!!! (so we can fangirl together!!!!). I know many beautiful artworks and music by the anime but I haven't gotten the chance to be part of the fandom ;-; Where did you watch it on? I can't seem to find it anywhere for free/without some sketchy website downloading a virus on my computer.
I always get this impression that the ending is sad (hmm, maybe it really is, idk x'D) Don't spoil it though!! >n< XDD) . Nowadays I'm trying to keep positive - especially due to the amount of anxiety I'm carrying around - I don't think I can currently handle something sad x'D BUT I do love a good cry, so mark my words I'll be watching that anime >: (
I still need to watch Weathering With You too!! can I like... drive over be like "hi I'm here to watch anime :>"
Ok, you have NO idea how much I love Black Swan XD My friend stayed up almost all night for its release and sent it to me at like 5:00 in the morning (me being the late sleeper, I slept through all of her dings). But as soon as I listened to it, I was like "that's it, my life is canceled" XDD I've personally love BTS's darker themes and have hoped for a comeback similar to Fake Love (that music video was everything), so you can imagine my excitement when I found out about their new dark album coming out next Monday. they performed Black Swan live and I was about to scream bc the dancing was on point ToT
Butterfly is my best friend's favorite song, (and I personally love how so soft and sweet it is), so the lyrics were kind of a tribute to her >w< (but also those lyrics matched the aesthetic I was going for so it's a win-win XD)
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bluebearii In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2020-02-10 02:53:21 +0000 UTC]
Aww, of course! <333 You say that my comments make people feel warm and fuzzy while your words are an exact description of your comments though :000
Well, it turned out beautiful!! The colors are so pretty and the butterflies go so well with the image of Evelyn :000 don't even get me started on the coding,,,
Yep! I asked my dad to find it for me and there's a possibility he got it from a sketchy website? or he could've bought it, I have no idea lol. I'll have to ask him! AND OMG the animation and the artwork is truly incredible... the landscapes are by far the most stunning, though (in my opinion lol)
I think a big part of the movie is not knowing how it will end, because it really is an emotional rollercoaster. If you want to know if you can watch it anytime soon, though, feel free to ask and I'll tell you (because I don't think knowing whether the ending is happy or sad will take away too much from the movie. You'll never guess how it ends anyway, even if you do know the overall outcome xD The whole movie seems predictable at first but is really lowkey like, "OH LOL YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN WELL I BET YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THIS" Honestly, reading the summary (not the summary but like the little blurb that's supposed to get you to read it? I can't think of the word lol)/watching the trailer doesn't compare to watching the movie in any way)! ^^
ahaha that would be amazing though xD we'd, like, watch every anime in existence (while listening to my friend complain about how inaccurate the subtitles are—she's actually Japanese. The whole time, she points out how that's not actually what they said xD)
So did one of my friends! I have a bunch of friends who are ARMY (WHO, MIGHT I ADD, actually have tickets to one of their upcoming concerts!!! I'm so excited for them!!! they're actually coming to our state so they're going to drive all the way to their concert :00000000000 (I actually have no idea where it is or where BTS is going (I know, I know, you're disappointed in me, I'm sorry) x'D All I know is that they're coming to our state. I should look it up... but I have no idea if it's close or far away lol. They're huge fans and would do anything to see them)) (I pretend like I know what they're talking about while I actually have little to no idea xD)... long story short the only thing they talk about is BTS and they were blasting the song all day xD ALSO they quiz me on the members and make me memorize the BTS Fan Chant >:I Okay I'm not really angry but I like to pretend it irritates me x'D This is kind of embarrassing (don't hate me please xD), but I cannot tell the difference between the members ;w; I can only recognize RM (he's the most recognizable don't hate me aa) ;;;;;w;;;;;;
...wait BTS released a new album how did I not know of this xD—
Oh, wow, that's so sweet of you!! And yeah, it does xD
okay you know how I play flute, right? The other day, my friends were telling me how I should play Spring Day on my flute. well,, I found this musescore.com/user/13242701/sc… It's the sheet music for flute! There's a play button in the top left corner and you can listen to the electronic flute playing it (my friend was confused by this so I suppose I should explain it? Like, it's not a real person playing it, it's a computer! I hope that made sense lol)! One of my friends was complaining about how it sounded nothing like the real song and how it didn't capture the "essence of the song" but I thought it sounded just like it... am I crazy lol I was so excited to show them and I thought they'd be as excited as I was. Most of them were, but my one friend was just criticizing the sheet music D: what do you think? xD
and thankfully, it's not hard at all for me to play! I sightread it the other day and it looks a lot more difficult than it really is lol (okay who am I kidding though the songs we play in band are like 10x harder than that)
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to bluebearii [2020-02-10 03:26:13 +0000 UTC]
I think CoMix Wave Films (the people of Your Name) are one of the best anime companies out there. I looked at their other films, and saw Flavors of Youth (I don't even remember what it was about but I remember crying x'D) and 5 Centimeters Per Second was also emotional T-T
Omg the plot kind of sounds like Your Lie in April x'D With the roller-coaster plot and such. (\I wasn't expecting Kaori to actually die :I). I think what's cool is in anime, you never know what to expect. The ending could be sad, or happy (or both). In American movies, you kind of expect the main character to live. It seems to be the formula here that "they'll undergo these trials but will persevere in the end >:0". But you don't know at all in an anime.
Ahaha I watched a Chinese movie before with my (English speaking... duh XD) classmates and I was so angry at the movie subtitles. Like she said in Chinese "I miss you mother, I want you to come back home" but the subtitles said "come back". I was like "... OK WHO HIRED THIS TRANSLATOR-"
Ok don't worry, when I first learned of the band I couldn't tell the members apart either - and could only distinguish RM XD (for the longest time I couldn't tell Jin and Jimin apart either). But now I can - This was partly due to my friend being excited I knew who BTS was and texted me day and night about them. So I just gradually learned who was who because of all the memes she sent and me pretending I knew who was who XDD
Their new album isn't out yet, it's coming out on the 21st. Black Swan was a single, and Interlude: Shadow was a trailer (believe it or not XD).
Wait you play the flute?? Do I have short term memory or something?? How did I not know this??
Omgggg I have old memories of Musescore ;0; you see, my friend from Scratch long ago composed a song for Vela for me using Musescore TwT scratch.mit.edu/projects/21532… (eww my comments back then are hideous, don't read them ). But the song is absolutely beautiful, props to her <33
But back to Spring Day, I can still tell it's Spring Day! If I listened to it without knowing it was Spring Day, I 100% would've picked up. The beginning was a little distorted for me though. But I think maybe the reason being is it's a little choppy and slow (but then again... it's one flute, not a whole orchestra with autotune, so it's very understandable why it sounds like that). I could tell immediately after that though, what was happening. I agree that it doesn't give all the feels that the original gives, but it's definitely recognizable and it's a really beautiful cover! You should definitely play it if you want!! and then send them to me so I can cheer and be like "TORALU IS PROUD OF YOUUUUUUUUUU" XD
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earlseul [2019-12-24 18:05:11 +0000 UTC]
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earlseul In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2019-12-24 20:44:41 +0000 UTC]
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to RainbowGlaze123 [2019-11-25 18:14:46 +0000 UTC]
aaH sorry for this late reply >n< It's been extremely busy, not gonna lie x'D It seems I have some big thing due in school every week. To put things in perspective, I haven't even gotten a chance to open up my drawing program ever since my last post ^^'
But I finally get a week off in a couple of days!! Hopefully my art block will pass by then and I'll actually be able to work on owed art x'D
What about you :0 Anything new?
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RainbowGlaze123 In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2019-11-27 00:05:46 +0000 UTC]
It's no problem, I know what school trouble is like >n< It's so hard to keep up at points it leaves little time for anything else =v= (Including sleep for some people.)
A week off, oh COOL!!! (Is it like a holiday break or something else? Srry, I wouldn't know since I'm home-schooled )
No, nothing new with me I'm afraid XD I went to the hospital again..? For an allergic reaction to a pain killer But that's about it lol
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to RainbowGlaze123 [2019-11-28 20:50:43 +0000 UTC]
In the States k-12 schools (usually) let us out for a week - Thanksgiving Break. (I'm not sure if you know already, but the third or fourth Thursday of every November is Thanksgiving. It's a day to ... eat and be thankful XD Often families use the whole week to prepare all these meals for Thanksgiving, and on Thanksgiving day families come together and basically eat all day ;v; Traditionally, you'd eat things like turkey (people prepare whole turkeys :0), mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, cornbread, soup... more potato dishes (seriously, people make potato cake XDD). And then after dinner, people make things like pie, cake, cookies. People eat until they throw up XD And then usually there's some (American) football game happening, so people gather around the TV and watch that afterward and get drunk oof .
It's also customary to say/pray for what you're thankful that day (hence... THANKSgiving XD but people just care about the food... which is honestly a mood ). Hmm.... hey Rainbow I'm thankful that you were one of my first DA friends. You've given me so much (way more than I've given you >:c) and your kindness needs to be recognized more >w<
Oh no I hope you're doing ok from the allergic reaction then ^^' Yeah honestly even though I get this week off, my teachers assigned projects over the break and so I have to dedicate a couple of days to working on them ;v; (But so far... I haven't worked on them XD)
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RainbowGlaze123 In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2019-12-02 15:12:20 +0000 UTC]
All that sounds like lots of fun! (Lol, eat until they throw up XDDD ) I knew of Thanksgiving, just not the exact date it occurred. This also explains my father suddenly bringing home mass meals of Turkey, potatoes, and stuffing from the store. XD (THey were at discounts)
Awww, that's so sweet of you to say! >w<
I'm thankful everyday for the people around me, my life, religion, my friends I made irl and ONnline (YOUUU!) you've been nothing but kind to me since my first day, if anything you deserve WAY more recognition. (It's better to give than to receive is what I say Plus, ur characters are fun to draw X3)
Project over the break..0-o
WHat has the world come To? ;v; I hope everything goes well!
Srry for the rushed response, I'm supposed to be doing school '0-0
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to RainbowGlaze123 [2019-12-02 20:58:52 +0000 UTC]
Yeah that might explain things XD our stores are literally stocked up so much with pumpkins, stuffing... turkey... and Black Friday stuff XD if you don’t know, Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving where every store imaginable give all these large discounts (such as- 50% all TVs! Get a free game when you buy a new PS4!). It’s a HUGE day for shopping, like them all is PACKED with people. I personally don’t shop on that day (despite all the deals) because I don’t feel like getting run over by impatient people x’D
this year I went though and I regretted it and remembers why I hated it ^^’ (and I didn’t even get anything, because the deals sucked this year. Like, a deal was “buy a used game get the next one 15% off”?? Come on X’D
Ok rant over, I gtg myself. School ;v;
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bluebearii [2019-10-02 05:20:15 +0000 UTC]
Hi Moonliqht!! Would you mind if I drew Lizzie for Aninktober (ok that was the most awkward comment ever xD)? I was planning on doing the 31 prompts, but I had so much homework and I’m swamped with extracurriculars tomorrow, so I’m probably just gonna do the 4 prompt option xD
honestly I want to draw other people’s Annies too, but I’m so afraid to ask them xD Other people just don’t ask and just draw but I feel like that’s rude? Idrk what to do xD
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MoonliqhtRose In reply to bluebearii [2019-10-02 05:55:04 +0000 UTC]
Ofc!! No need to ever ask if you want to draw a character of mine <3
Ooh I need to participate too I just realized. I don’t have enough time myself, so I’ll probably go with the 4 prompt option too x’D
Aww nobody would think it’s rude for you to draw their character! I think most if not all are very nice and open - like I’ve seen random people compliment @/Aspintacular and her responses were always full of exclamation points and XD ^^ I’m sure most of them are like that - they wouldn’t be part of the Annieverse if they were rude, you know what I’m saying XD
I’d say just go for it! I can garuntee they’d be flattered if you offered to draw a character of theirs - and if they don’t, they got no soul. But I doubt anybody would be like that
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bluebearii In reply to MoonliqhtRose [2019-10-18 05:47:59 +0000 UTC]
I’m so disappointed but I don’t think I’ll be doing Aninktober this year (((((( I’m so sad! I’m really busy with schoolwork and flute playing and studying and extracurriculars and I really don’t have time
I assure you, I’m still drawing Lizzie though!!
Oh yeah, I hadn’t really thought about it xD Every person who’s part of the Anniverse is extremely nice *0*
Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it, even if I’m not doing Aninktober. Good luck with your Aninktober entries!! <3
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