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| Kounelli
# Statistics
Favourites: 397; Deviations: 17; Watchers: 32
Watching: 28; Pageviews: 10433; Comments Made: 843; Friends: 28
# Comments
Comments: 147
Kounelli In reply to disneyforever808 [2014-03-10 02:28:02 +0000 UTC]
Awww thank you very much!
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Kounelli In reply to PeppermentPanda [2013-07-22 17:54:23 +0000 UTC]
Awww thank you for the feature! <3
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PeppermentPanda In reply to Kounelli [2013-07-25 04:03:58 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome. >u👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Kounelli In reply to Fourtress [2013-05-15 00:59:04 +0000 UTC]
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Fourtress In reply to Kounelli [2013-05-21 15:20:34 +0000 UTC]
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Kounelli In reply to Fourtress [2013-06-02 19:22:43 +0000 UTC]
We shall convert everyone to the wonder that is Jarida <3
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Fourtress In reply to Kounelli [2013-06-21 12:50:53 +0000 UTC]
and really seriously why is it not popular it is so perfect
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Eyebulb In reply to Kounelli [2013-05-09 15:02:56 +0000 UTC]
Saw you wanted people to talk to so I thought I'd volunteer x)
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Kounelli In reply to Eyebulb [2013-05-10 01:02:30 +0000 UTC]
Hey, great to here from you!
Unfortunately I just lost my job today because of budget cuts, so I'm gonna be offline for a bit. But when I get back, I will definitely get to know you better!
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Eyebulb In reply to Kounelli [2013-05-10 15:42:29 +0000 UTC]
Oh that sucks! I hope everything will work out for you!
At least you didn't lose your job because they didn't want you
And yeah, feel free to talk to me anytime!
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Kounelli In reply to Eyebulb [2013-06-02 19:21:41 +0000 UTC]
My work is almost done and I got a new job, so I'm a bit happier than before haha xD
How are you?
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Eyebulb In reply to Kounelli [2013-06-02 20:02:54 +0000 UTC]
Oooh that's good!
I'm alright, just a little stressed but I graduate soon so..
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Kounelli In reply to Eyebulb [2013-06-02 22:28:59 +0000 UTC]
Nice, are you in High School? I graduated from HS back in 2010 haha
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Eyebulb In reply to Kounelli [2013-06-02 23:02:42 +0000 UTC]
I suppose that's what you can call it. The school system is quite different here. But it's my 12th and last year in school x)
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Kounelli In reply to Eyebulb [2013-06-02 23:09:39 +0000 UTC]
Oooh that's awesome
I'm in university now studying computer science, I still need about 4 more years, but I am eagerly waiting to earn my degree and be done with school all together haha xD
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Eyebulb In reply to Kounelli [2013-06-03 21:11:47 +0000 UTC]
Sounds like fun! What do you learn?
I'm not going to study, at least not until I figure out what to. xD And right now I'd rather work actually, I kind of want to have time off when I get home and not have to worry about homework or that.
But then again, I would want to do animation, or masks/makeup for horror or sci-fi films. It seems like something I would want to do.
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Kounelli In reply to Eyebulb [2013-06-04 00:05:43 +0000 UTC]
I learn how to make websites, how to program computers, and how to build computers.
It's a lot of fun, I love working with computers.
I had that same mentality when I got out of High School. A break is nice, but it's even nicer to get it all done and over with. It's very rewarding. Nothing wrong with a break though and if you find work even better! My sister is going into film school. She says that stuff is really interesting and fun to learn.
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Eyebulb In reply to Kounelli [2013-06-04 15:18:33 +0000 UTC]
I wanted my father to teach me how to build a computer. He used to do that a lot and has always build mine and I wanted to be able to do that too! It seems like a lot of fun.
Well I'd much rather get a job at the time being. Specially since I'm not sure what I want to study yet. I also really like working psysically so I'm looking forward to that, if I manage to get some job.
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Kounelli In reply to Eyebulb [2013-06-05 05:10:09 +0000 UTC]
It also has it's advantages cause then you can build the computer how you want it to work
Good for you, I hope it works well for you!
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Eyebulb In reply to Kounelli [2013-06-05 14:56:58 +0000 UTC]
Yeah exactly! xD You can decide for your own what you want it to be able to do.
I do too, and thank you!
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PeppermentPanda [2012-11-30 00:34:51 +0000 UTC]
OTL... It turns out, my fee waiver for UC Irvine works. (I applied today , instead of fullerton because fullerton is too far. Q^Q Irvine is the same distance as my dream college.)
Had I known this.. 24+ of my time researching would of been saved. ;u;... And I would of applied earlier. OTL
Oh well, good thing is: It was free to apply. ;u; I just don't know why my Dream college didn't accept.
You don't know UCR right? I'd love to show you the virtual tour some time. ;u;
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Kounelli In reply to PeppermentPanda [2012-11-30 00:42:16 +0000 UTC]
So which campus are you going to? UCI or UCR? If UCI, my best friend goes there! xD
And no, I'm not familiar with any of the Cali campuses, I would love for you to show me the virtual tour haha.
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PeppermentPanda In reply to Kounelli [2012-11-30 00:58:15 +0000 UTC]
My dream campus is UCR~
Second is UCI. =3 And woo. Yourfriendhasgoodtastethen. ;3 x3
I REALLY love the botanic garden and cafes. ;u; Btw, do you have MSN?
Here is the link~ [link]
I ignore the virtual person and just go to the 360s. x3
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Kounelli In reply to PeppermentPanda [2012-11-30 01:03:20 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I have msn,
I'll be on to accept yer invite~
-clicks link-
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PeppermentPanda In reply to Kounelli [2012-11-30 01:12:56 +0000 UTC]
-msn has malfunctioned. ;3;.. I shall wait for it to work. -
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Kounelli In reply to PeppermentPanda [2012-11-30 01:15:07 +0000 UTC]
Those virtual tours are awesome! I remember I made a similar media in 8th grade for my final exam xD
It was a virtual tour of labyrinth, the 1986 Jim Henson movie.
Wish I still had the file D:
such a long time ago haha
I'm old ;3;
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PeppermentPanda In reply to Kounelli [2012-11-30 01:41:51 +0000 UTC]
Yeah.. msn isn't gonna work. ;3; I'll have to restart.
But I need to go for now anyway. x3 I'll add you when I get back. =3
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Kounelli In reply to PeppermentPanda [2012-12-15 06:59:56 +0000 UTC]
Wait nevermind, I'm pretty sure that the one invite I got was you xD
hamtaro9510 right?
Sorry, my finals just finished about an hour ago, and I just signed into messenger haha.
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PeppermentPanda In reply to Kounelli [2012-12-15 19:48:37 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, that's me. x3~
It's ok. =3 My finals start next week. ;3;
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Kounelli In reply to PeppermentPanda [2012-12-15 06:58:08 +0000 UTC]
Oh hey just wanted to know if you ever sent me an invite, cause I got three of them and I don't know if anyone of them is you haha. xD
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PeppermentPanda In reply to Kounelli [2012-11-30 01:18:10 +0000 UTC]
Yush. Wish all campuses had them. x3
If I hadn't seen the campus, I'm not sure if UCR would be my dream school. x3 It's what got me into researching colleges for fun on my free time.
Aw. D:
And psh, only as old as you feel. ;3;
I'm almost 18 now, but I remember when I was like 16, I volunteered at my elementary school for a bit to help out. There was an event where kids painted, and I mentioned "Do you guys like pokemon. ;u;?" And they either said no or had no clue what pokemon was.
From pre-school to 8th grade, everyonneee loved pokemon. OTL /oldrightthere.
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wendiigo [2012-11-27 09:04:42 +0000 UTC]
I'm pretty sure your webcam image is fake I've seen a few shoops in my day and can tell by the pixels.
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Kounelli In reply to PeppermentPanda [2012-11-25 08:09:38 +0000 UTC]
RIGHT? I made sure to save that everywhere haha. It's like fluff with more fluff <3
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MeridaXJackFrost [2012-10-11 23:58:38 +0000 UTC]
Hi Kounelli! I have started a chatroom if you want to come along!
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Kounelli In reply to MeridaXJackFrost [2012-10-12 02:30:05 +0000 UTC]
cool, I have a bunch of midterms this week and next, so I'll catch you when I can!
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MeridaXJackFrost [2012-09-18 08:55:24 +0000 UTC]
I saw rainbowdash1359's comment she left on the group page via using her backup account, she gave up!
We Won!!!
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Kounelli In reply to MeridaXJackFrost [2012-09-18 11:06:47 +0000 UTC]
I just saw it too. Finally!
As soon as I get all my school projects done, I'm gonna draw art for the contest haha.
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MeridaXJackFrost [2012-09-09 19:07:01 +0000 UTC]
A Jack Frost/Merida video has finally been made!
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