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| Inqy
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# Comments
Comments: 5728
Kitchenyou10sull [2017-10-09 03:27:02 +0000 UTC]
I can't in good conscious not leave a comment here when I visit your page.Β All the art Cherie collected is in a folder on an external hard drive that I have misplaced, so I can't look at your pretty art right now (which is why I'm on your page to begin with).Β I hope heaven lets you use the Earth internet and that you get to read this.Β I miss you and love you!Β
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cherieish In reply to Kitchenyou10sull [2020-02-07 16:25:36 +0000 UTC]
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Xarven-angel [2017-05-15 06:28:16 +0000 UTC]
it comes up so quickly. and when it does, i still get sad. I miss you friend.
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AndrePaz [2016-06-14 18:30:41 +0000 UTC]
More than 6 years already... just passing by to leave a rose, my 11:11 friend...Β Β
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AsheSkyler [2015-08-20 05:37:48 +0000 UTC]
Rest in peace, Lady Angel. Warm wishes to those you left behind.
And a big thanks to Cherie for hosting your old stuff.
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Kitchenyou10sull [2015-02-21 00:40:05 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad Cherie saved your artwork and compiled it into a folder. Β I re-read Wicked Alchemy from time to time. Β I think I'll read through it again soon. Β Miss you.
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Plutos-Eden In reply to Kitchenyou10sull [2015-09-11 16:01:04 +0000 UTC]
I ask because I had posted what I had saved of Wicked Alchemy in an album here: www.facebook.com/InqyMemorial
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Plutos-Eden In reply to Kitchenyou10sull [2015-08-07 19:21:19 +0000 UTC]
I had a good collection of Wicked Alchemy saved, but I never got to finish reading it. Were these files shareable?
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jdrainville [2014-10-06 07:06:06 +0000 UTC]
I thought of you today.Β I can't believe it's been so long.Β Thank you for everything.
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Whakahuri In reply to jdrainville [2015-04-07 23:33:22 +0000 UTC]
what happened? All of this is making me sad.Β
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jdrainville In reply to Whakahuri [2015-04-08 00:15:24 +0000 UTC]
She passed away some years ago: inqy.in/faq.html
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eldris [2014-06-21 09:02:11 +0000 UTC]
Still missing you and your art. I'll never forget you sweetie.
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kutchachhikhen [2014-03-26 03:17:15 +0000 UTC]
You were such a great artist.I had such fun reading your comics, good memories, I thank you for those. You will be remembered. RIP
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Mizzcoffeebot [2013-12-31 21:44:38 +0000 UTC]
I miss you so much Inqy. I won't ever forget us sharing our stories, characters and our art, our dreams for the future, or just talking about the weather. I wish in all of my moving around we had not lost touch.
I will do my best this new year with thoughts of you in my mind and heart. Farewell my friend. Β
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Inamax [2013-08-04 22:55:58 +0000 UTC]
I still remember that chibi you drew for me when I didn't get my Secret Santa... It's one of my fondest memories. You were such a sweetheart and lovely person. I hope you're going around drawing and just being happy wherever you are.
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Xarven-angel [2013-04-17 05:36:24 +0000 UTC]
may teh goddess treat you well. I miss you love.
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JadedGothButterfly [2013-03-21 15:22:23 +0000 UTC]
I was a member of TreesWithCharacters andjust found out about your passing away. R.I.P., Inqy. You were an inspiration to many.
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Itsuko-Ai [2012-12-27 19:11:15 +0000 UTC]
"Runs into the room and throws on the necklace! (necklace of strangulation)" Thanks Inqy for all the funny the funny tabletop gaming quotes.
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Blackethouse [2012-12-04 02:16:19 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the quizzes. They're one of the first things that started my psychological studies and my introspection that led me to the person I am today.
I hope your soul is free and happy, wherever you may be.
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nika-chan [2012-11-08 17:03:32 +0000 UTC]
Angel, I really miss you. I just wanted to let you know. I hope you're okay, wherever you are, and that your earthly family is doing well too. Take care.
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robinmask [2012-11-06 21:50:48 +0000 UTC]
It's so hard to believe that you're gone . . . I used to visit your websites over and over when I was still in school, almost a decade ago now, and I found your art and work really inspired me and gave me courage when I needed it most. It's so tragic to then search for you years later and uncover the worst . . . you had such amazing potential. I know that wherever you are that you're a blessing to the spirits around you and will be missed here dearly. I hope your art lives on for you.
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Nightwolf-Hinata [2012-09-29 17:02:09 +0000 UTC]
I just now found out and I'm so sorry to learn this, you are missed and loved, thank you for what you did to inspire me and others, if you can still read these you helped inspire me to entertainment and to write, thank you <3
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ikazon [2012-09-26 04:48:12 +0000 UTC]
Thought of you today. It's been some time, but even now I still remember how friendly you were to everyone you came across. Wish you were still here, but I'm sure you're getting along well, wherever you are. Thanks for the good memories.
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runetree [2012-09-12 07:03:47 +0000 UTC]
I still miss you. I'll always miss you, and wish that we were able to spend more time together, more than that one day wandering around downtown and olivera st. and little tokyo⦠but I treasure that day, and our hours of phone calls, and everything.
I love you, Angel.
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selene13immortal [2012-09-12 00:35:45 +0000 UTC]
The other day, I was having a pretty rough time, and I thought back to my middle school years when I was in a dark place, and your beautiful art brought light into my life. You live on through your art.
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rqa [2012-08-05 06:52:41 +0000 UTC]
I remember back in middle school, I was always on onna chance and muted faith taking quizzes. Endless hours of enjoyment right there. RIP Inqy
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Cyberpunk14 [2012-07-25 15:23:08 +0000 UTC]
Hey Inqy. I used to visit your websites and read your comics all the time many years ago when I was in middle school. I decided to revisit them today and I'm sorry to say that I just found out what happened. Back then you inspired me to give graphic design a try. Six years is a long time, and to this day I am still giving digital coloring a go. Thank you for sharing your art with me and the rest of the world. I will miss your work and most of all I will miss you!
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Skruffie [2012-03-24 05:44:44 +0000 UTC]
Wicked Alchemy was the first webcomic I ever read. That was almost... 10 years ago when it launched, I think.
At one point, I remember you did a digital coloring tutorial for photoshop and it occurred to me only this year that I still name my layers "shade" and "tint", like how you described it in the tut. The coloring you described in that tutorial is basically how I've been doing my own artwork since then.
We were not friends, and I wasn't around on the WA forums long enough to really have a presence... but you have ended up being one of the biggest influences on my artwork (and probably a big reason why I ended up launching my own webcomic, finally) in my entire adolescence and early adulthood.
I just kinda wish you were still here so you could know that. Silly me didn't have that epiphany until this year.
Thank you.
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Skylink [2012-02-16 07:09:42 +0000 UTC]
deviantART muro drawing
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Kitchenyou10sull [2012-02-05 01:32:33 +0000 UTC]
Happy belated birthday Angel. Hope wherever you are it's amazing and beautiful. Miss you.
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Warshield22 [2012-01-15 17:27:40 +0000 UTC]
Its been a few years since i've seen you Inqy and i was thinking about you and what happened. I still remember hearing the news in Krishna's class and not believing it was true. someone so talented and with such a bright future..v.v I pray that you're warm and safe where ever you are!
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mikecoatl [2011-12-05 16:07:56 +0000 UTC]
Hi, I just found out about this tragic occurrence, and I'm interested in preserving her comics. I can find hardly any of it anywhere. Maybe someone here knows where to find her work online, or maybe a zip file or something?
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metagrith In reply to mikecoatl [2012-02-06 13:34:55 +0000 UTC]
I am wanting to preserve them as well, but her websites are all down. If I'd only known then I would have saved them years ago! ;-;
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VaughnJustice [2011-12-03 02:17:27 +0000 UTC]
i just want to say! im sorry Inqy! for dying Lord please make hi jesuses angel!! please lord RIP Inqy
life is sleep tight angel! heaven will be with u!!
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VaughnJustice [2011-12-03 02:12:51 +0000 UTC]
u deid aw see u up in heaven angel!
give me a happybounce and i will happybounce back!
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shadows-play [2011-11-20 22:31:28 +0000 UTC]
I just found out. I'm so terribly sorry. I know you will never read these words but nevertheless I hope my feelings reach you.
While you may have passed on you still affect so many peoples lives.
I remember stumbling upon mutedfaith.com years ago and thought that you were a wonderful artist.
Out of curiosity I searched the website today to find it gone. My search led me here and I found out through the comments.
I didn't believe it was you at first. I thought perhaps someone else might have used the same name. However I unfortunately discovered while going through previous comments that, yes, you were indeed the one.
While I never knew you personally, I love you and I hope you are safe wherever you may be.
Actually, I'd been doubting myself and my work lately. But now I won't quit. I can't. Hopefully my words and my art will reach out to people just as yours did.
Much love to your family and I hope things go smoothly for them.
Sleep well Inqy.
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transients [2011-11-12 07:48:07 +0000 UTC]
I'm not really sure what to say, but I hope that wherever you are, you're still having more fun than the rest of us are. Even in death, you still manage to inspire those around you, including people you've never met. It must have truly been an honor to have known you and I am more than a bit regretful that I never did get to meet the amazingly talented and extraordinary person you are in person. Let it be known that your passing has not gone forgotten and that you still manage to influence us. Let the memories of you be happy and happy only. And let it again be known that you are missed.
Rest In Peace, Inqy.
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Emmentaali [2011-11-06 21:03:55 +0000 UTC]
I never knew you... But.. Rest in peace.. Your almost empty dA page.. It made me feel very sad.
It's good to see that you had many friends who loved and cared about you when you were alive. R.I.P. Inqy
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bubblymaika [2011-11-05 20:40:41 +0000 UTC]
I don't know you, but I hope that you are happy wherever you are now
rest in peace dear
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RyukiRose3407 [2011-10-12 22:04:21 +0000 UTC]
Just an idea: the Wayback Machine has an archive of mutedfaith.com. Though it may not be the best source, it's something, right?
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Rewyen [2011-09-27 16:59:23 +0000 UTC]
I really despise that this page is absent of your work... I want to activate our project. Remember, penguins equipped with rockets and chickens with ray guns? We were going to reside on an island safe from the fallout of our flightless bird apocalypse. With your page blank, I feel an angry penguin or two would be used well to reverse this BS. Miss you
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BloodLust5 [2011-09-22 22:07:51 +0000 UTC]
What happened? First your website(s) go missing, now your artwork???
This makes me utterly sad.
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dominik0207 [2011-08-22 23:44:47 +0000 UTC]
I don't know why I do this to myself anymore; trying to find remnants of my sister. All that I have left is a few sketch books, a journal, some pictures and a fading memory. Its been 2 years now and I still can't cut the loss as it were. To remember her is just detramental to my psyche. Every step I make foreward is still in the shadow of what was born devine, was devine, and forever shall be devine. I'm a lost soul without her guidence; a mindless wanderer in a sea of dischord set on an aimless path and destined for mediorcrity. I'm lonely, despondent, full of angst and separation. I believe I died when she died. My heart broke, my mind fell apart and scattered in the ashes with her body, my soul drifted along with hers into whatever realm of existence she has placed herself in. At times I beg for the cruel hands of fate to have mercy on me, as yet, silence only answers.
-Joshua Davis
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Shiaine [2011-08-01 16:30:26 +0000 UTC]
I'm kind of sad to see that all your wonderful drawings were removed... I miss you. Seeing those drawings was a comfort to me... and now they're forever gone.
Miss you, Angel.
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Shiaine In reply to Shiaine [2011-08-01 23:44:03 +0000 UTC]
I just read through 242 pages of memorials, just wanting to remember her... my eyes didn't start tearing up until I reached the last ones and saw the last comment she ever wrote on this page. It physically hurt me to see it... Angel, you're one of those people who touched my heart in the time that I knew you, and your memory will be forever cherished. Thank you for letting me get to know you.
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mizdestiny [2011-05-28 13:21:05 +0000 UTC]
Her Facebook account seems to have vanished too Such a shame her art wont be enjoyed as she wished.
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