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| IamHaden
# Statistics
Favourites: 2770; Deviations: 158; Watchers: 39
Watching: 85; Pageviews: 26082; Comments Made: 4953; Friends: 85
# Comments
Comments: 599
IamHaden In reply to akbar24601 [2016-07-13 00:35:52 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for getting your hopes up, but I pushed that by accident when I intended to give you a Llama in exchange for the one you gave me and I unwatched you the moment afterwards... not to say there's anything wrong with your art, it looks great in fact...
Actually, you know what, now that I just got a good look at, I'm going to make it authentic. You have a new watcher after all
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IamHaden In reply to SapphireEagle [2015-11-08 23:45:54 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! Easily one of my favorite outfits from the game
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2015-04-09 13:20:24 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot!
Now I can legally buy materials for anti-zombie incendiaries.
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2015-04-20 06:15:50 +0000 UTC]
No problem, and right on, although I can only imagine how many places you plan to clear out once given the chance now xDD
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2015-04-25 00:56:45 +0000 UTC]
And I'll be quite prepared for a bunch of walking corpses to try to break down my door. First of all, I'm going to do that for them, except in reverse. Then while my team is driving away, we set fire to the whole neighborhood and find a good place to regroup, maybe someplace where we can make a forge and craft new weapons. From there, hopefully we can construct a whole city of survivors. It'll take lots of effort, time, and undoubtedly sacrifice, but I'm sure it's possible.
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2015-04-25 20:07:52 +0000 UTC]
Sounds like you've got this pretty planned out. Everyone in the small town I live at wants to go the the high school because it's got a huge fence, it goes into the mountains and there's a Walmart and Safeway near to it. But I don't think that's what my family would do, I think we'd try for something else and avoid all people rather than corpses, honestly
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2015-05-05 13:51:11 +0000 UTC]
Here's some tips:
--Wear white. That way, you'll know if you have zombie blood on you and how much you'll have to clean yourself later, and you can just bleach the outfit.
--Completely cover your face out in the field. Don't want to risk this being like the rage virus, so keep your eyes, mouth, nose, and ears covered.
--Save those bullets. They'll become scarce and who actually knows how to manufacture more? Save them for a rainy day.
--Stay alert. A zombie all by itself probably is NOT all by itself.
--Pick a melee weapon that has both power and reach when outside (nodachi, naginata, sledgehammers...), but use shorter ones indoors (katana, axes, cleavers...)
--Start out in a remote place so you can prepare to go out into the infested urban areas.
--The first people you want to find for your team are rednecks. And lots of them.
--Power is of minimal concern for firearms. What you really want is one with good accuracy, magazine size, easy handling, and low recoil.
--Use bikes to get to places. They're silent, and even if the zombies can run, since when can anyone outrun a bike?
--When coming up on a dead body, don't write their epitaph. The worst thing you can do is think about who they must have been before they died.
--Work on that cardio. The first people to go on day one of the zombie apocalypse will be the fatties.
--Employ fire often. These things are essentially dead bodies, which are mostly dried out, and will burn real good.
--Keep your hair short. Don't want to give the undead legions something to latch onto.
--Wear some kind of armor, especially around the neck. For obvious reasons.
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2015-05-26 05:49:08 +0000 UTC]
Man some of these I would of never thought of.. like the wearing white (Plus, in Arizona it get's pretty warm so white's a really good color to keep handy) Thanks for the tips
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2015-05-28 18:46:10 +0000 UTC]
Another is that explosives, contrary to popular belief, won't be as effective as you think. Most of them explode and make shockwaves that disrupt organs- that's mostly what kills someone. There's only one organ zombies need, and 1) they don't even need all of it (on that note, depending on how powerful your weapon is, it might take more than one headshot, too) and 2) it's protected from that. Grenades might still work because their explosions launch fragments, but mines (except claymores), bombs, mortars, and even nukes will likely be ineffective.
And keep in mind, a headshot may be the only way to kill a zombie, but it's not the only way to stop one.
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2015-06-04 06:33:00 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, explosives sound better for taking care of the other humans rather than zombies...Although I can't say I'm too worried about them in a zombie war, I'm sure they'd be rather hard to get ahold of and I'm guessing few will know how to make their own bombs xDD
And true, one really interesting idea I found was from The Walking Dead, where Michonne had cut the walker's bottom jaw and arms off and leashed them (Which in that episode it made her unnoticed by the other zombies)
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2015-06-07 06:01:04 +0000 UTC]
The rednecks would know, which is the very reason you want a lot of them on your team, lol
There's that, though I'm not entirely sure just how effective that would be in an actual zombie apocalypse. There's also the idea of paralyzing a zombie. Snapping one's neck might not kill it, but it would still cut off the central nervous system, thus incapacitating it. Useful to know if you have no weapons
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2015-06-16 05:38:03 +0000 UTC]
Couldn't be more true xD I bet you already have your whole Zombie Apocalypse team in mind already, don't you? xD
Good to know xDD. You've really got this whole thing all thought through xDD But I imagine that will come really handy after you can't find any more ammo for awhile (Cause stores will be one of the first things wiped out)
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2015-06-22 11:50:00 +0000 UTC]
I'm related to a bunch of rednecks, so I'm good there. Plus, I know a lot of soldiers who have been in combat. It's not exactly complete, though, I'd still need a doctor, a preacher of some kind, maybe a comic relief and such
And, I know I had one used here , but a chainsaw being used as a weapon, contrary to popular belief, would be just as likely to do serious damage to you as your target, so you actually want to stay away from that
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2015-07-06 06:50:19 +0000 UTC]
Well, I know a handful of rednecks (Ad a ton of Mexican rednecks haha) I've got a good number of family who had been in the military at some point (And a ton who know how to defend themselves) I've probably got a comic relief xDD but Doctors and preachers seem to be in a short supply
And yeah, I don't think a chainsaw would be my first pick of a weapon...I've got a few guns, a handmade slingshot and an aluminum bat that's easy to get to and easy to maintain, but really you'd want something that could cut open a cactus if needed to (From what I've bee told, they hold water inside and living in a desert water's a huge challenge, even more so in this heat Dx)
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2015-08-13 03:33:43 +0000 UTC]
That's good at least, but of course, you'll need someone to treat your wounds and keep morale up
Well, not many cacti around where I live. But I will still have to leave this place in a hurry when the time comes. There's a website, forgot what it's called, that shows zombie apocalypse danger zones and apparently, I live right in the middle of one!
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2015-09-07 21:38:25 +0000 UTC]
True that xDD
And yeah, that's understandable. Oh jeez, all the more reason to stock up on weapons and ammo! xDD
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2015-09-24 01:09:32 +0000 UTC]
Luckily, I have plenty of melee weapons for just about any kind of tussle with the walking dead, and as I've already established, I'm now old enough to legally buy alcohol to make molotovs. As for guns, I actually don't have any of those, but I know people who do, and besides, those are supposed to be a last resort anyway. (Unless this turns out to be Zombie Army Trilogy , in which case, stealth won't mean jack.) My real problem might be people who insist that the zombies are still human beings and I will have to explain why that's flawed logic. For example, that scientist in The Walking Dead- I would have repeatedly told him that he was studying entirely the wrong thing!
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2015-12-10 06:22:44 +0000 UTC]
Haha I just love how your using your age as an advantage for weapons rather than drinking. And yeah, if I was smart I'd start learning some survival tips and tricks as well as get my hands on some knives and daggers (I mean I love my pocket knife, but that's not gonna cut it xD) and no doubt haha but I have to ask, have you seen the more recent episodes of the walking dead? :3
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2016-01-30 04:33:47 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, but watch me be volun-told to be someone's emergency designated driver sometime in the future.
A pocket knife, as long as it's a straight blade and nicely sharpened, would be good against one zombie or a few that don't know you're there. If that's all you have when an outbreak occurs, then staying stealthy should keep you safe until you can find a better crowd-control weapon.
I haven't had the time lately, so no. I just remember people spoiling left and right that Glenn died, but I later saw a bit from an episode that showed her was clearly alive and well, lol
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Jeodthewolf In reply to IamHaden [2016-02-22 04:17:16 +0000 UTC]
Volun-told is the perfect way to describe it!! XD
And with the sounds of it, I'd probably be alright, as I usually have my pocket knife with me haha. But if all else fails, I always have a pencil, so if worse comes to worse....
But yeah, I'm not going to spoil anything by saying if your right or wrong or anything, but I will highly recommend getting back into watching it when you have the time.
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IamHaden In reply to Jeodthewolf [2016-03-23 18:13:43 +0000 UTC]
It's a term often used in the military. And when you're a private (which is the first two years of service), it's something that can happen to you on an hourly basis, lol
Just remember that the boring weapons may help you way more than most of the flashy ones will. Meat cleavers, nunchuks, chainsaws and even artillery would do more harm than good. (Mortars kill because the explosion disrupts vital organs, all but one of which are unnecessary for zombies, so those would be ineffective.) So would anti-personnel landmines, which mostly just sever limbs, but anti-tank mines on the other hand...
I remember when a certain toady scientist was introduced in the show who wanted to find the hidden *cough*nonexistent*cough* human within the zombies, and I wanted to scream at him that he was studying entirely the wrong thing. He should have been trying to cure the virus everyone was carrying and then working on a vaccine for the strain carried by the zombies. I always enjoyed the show, but I found that to be pretty irksome
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IamHaden In reply to spartan-locke [2015-04-08 19:52:21 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, man!
I didn't miss yours, did I?
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IamHaden In reply to Pompadoods [2015-01-22 04:39:13 +0000 UTC]
Psh, you already thanked me in a comment on that writing, you silly Canadian kangaroo!
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Pompadoods In reply to IamHaden [2015-01-24 04:39:17 +0000 UTC]
I couldn't remember if I did, guess I shoulda double-checked. What a drunken wrench!
Ah well, I still appreciate it!
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IamHaden In reply to Pompadoods [2015-01-26 19:14:23 +0000 UTC]
This is not a Russian tea party! That's for cookin' Stalin's s'mores in Hell, son!
and you're still welcome!
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Pompadoods In reply to IamHaden [2015-02-20 01:25:06 +0000 UTC]
Nope! Not in MY free country!
...Err, uh, not in ZHIS country, you don't! ...Honh honh, oui oui!
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