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| DasHalloween
# Statistics
Favourites: 742; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 41
Watching: 114; Pageviews: 1952; Comments Made: 109; Friends: 114
# Interests
Favorite bands / musical artists: Imogen Heap, Creature Feature, and Nobuo UematsuFavorite writers: Anne Mccaffery
Favorite games: Jak 2+3, Monster Hunter, Suikoden
Favorite gaming platform: Ps2, GC, and DS
Tools of the Trade: Pen, Paper, and MICROSOFT WORD
Other Interests: Writing, Farming, School
# About me
Current Residence: My Own little World
Favourite genre of music: Classical
Favourite cartoon character: Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Personal Quote: "Life wouldn't be half as fun if there wasn't something to fight over, or for"