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| CashieCashew

CashieCashew [37583632] [] "You Is DEAD"

# Statistics

Favourites: 11147; Deviations: 255; Watchers: 279

Watching: 252; Pageviews: 28708; Comments Made: 6732; Friends: 252

# Comments

Comments: 855

CashieCashew [2019-12-09 01:22:47 +0000 UTC]

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CashieCashew [2019-07-22 13:54:35 +0000 UTC]


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pastelhappy In reply to CashieCashew [2019-08-13 11:14:58 +0000 UTC]

holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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minxuu [2019-02-16 09:16:27 +0000 UTC]

dude what the FUCK ily 

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CashieCashew In reply to minxuu [2019-07-22 13:54:51 +0000 UTC]

Ily too, sugar

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CashieCashew [2018-07-27 03:48:33 +0000 UTC]

Lmao this acc basically dead ))

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Lovelycatmarie [2017-12-25 18:11:49 +0000 UTC]

BaE where r u ; (((

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VegetableHuana [2017-09-13 13:54:01 +0000 UTC]

do you miss me
cause i miss you
i need drawings

i need drawings
by you
so i can fav 

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CashieCashew In reply to VegetableHuana [2017-09-13 16:28:47 +0000 UTC]

i mean WOah
Ur so nice ?? :'vv
I don't really have much time, school hates me soooo...
Sorry :'33

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VegetableHuana In reply to CashieCashew [2017-09-14 10:05:22 +0000 UTC]

I'll wait

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xXAyaYuiXx [2017-07-16 10:09:46 +0000 UTC]

Nice artworks...

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CashieCashew In reply to xXAyaYuiXx [2017-07-26 17:46:20 +0000 UTC]

awww thanks

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VEXIKKU [2017-05-23 15:18:01 +0000 UTC]

Hey! Hello.X3

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HanaTheCat [2017-04-04 20:00:31 +0000 UTC]

where the f are you i need some quality art to favourite 

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Bakafudge [2017-02-21 22:38:45 +0000 UTC]


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CashieCashew In reply to Bakafudge [2017-02-22 11:14:21 +0000 UTC]


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M0RAVIA [2017-02-02 13:14:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeahhh boyyy
Thanks for all those favouritess

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CashieCashew In reply to M0RAVIA [2017-02-02 15:22:10 +0000 UTC]

No problem boyyyy <333

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ChalkTwins [2016-11-24 20:41:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the !

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IamtheREDsoldier [2016-11-14 03:33:35 +0000 UTC]

Hi um it's been sooo long since I've seen you I missed you and  I'm sorry I promise I'll come over and comment on your amazing art from now on 

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LeeLeeBean [2016-11-09 12:09:27 +0000 UTC]

 If you would stand in front of a bullet for your boyfriend, girlfriend, crush, bestfriend, family, or someone you love read this. Tonight your love will call or ask you something special but if you break this chain you will be punished & lose someone you love. Send this to 20 people you wouldn't want to see hurt.

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CashieCashew In reply to LeeLeeBean [2016-11-09 12:20:49 +0000 UTC]

lmao scam :vv

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BritneyCreatesBeauty [2016-10-30 14:54:24 +0000 UTC]

almost 400+ watchers!

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CashieCashew In reply to BritneyCreatesBeauty [2016-10-30 15:51:43 +0000 UTC]

lmao thx but nahh
Only 379 :')

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BritneyCreatesBeauty In reply to CashieCashew [2016-10-30 16:58:47 +0000 UTC]


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Shi-Yin [2016-10-18 00:04:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave!

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Moravia04 [2016-10-15 19:48:59 +0000 UTC]

Omg i found you! Its meh mewry!
Imao you forgot me but anyways!

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CashieCashew In reply to Moravia04 [2016-10-16 13:13:42 +0000 UTC]


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Moravia04 In reply to CashieCashew [2016-10-16 19:58:02 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh that ao kind of youuu uvu
Omg my art style!? Bwaf!

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CashieCashew In reply to Moravia04 [2016-10-17 10:19:01 +0000 UTC]

It's really awesome >u< b

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usermem-e [2016-10-11 05:00:22 +0000 UTC]


howdy! if you see this comment then it means you're wonderful and i care about you,even if you don't know me ;v; but if somethings making you feel down in the dumps,try to think or remember something that makes you happy ,if you say that nothing makes you happy,then you're wrong,there IS something that makes you happy.it's you.yes,you!i mean,you've made it this far and you're just gonna give up your life by just some depression? i think not! well,anyway,try not to be sad,because it makes me feel awful about myself for not cheering you up,and it makes you feel bad about yourself,i don't want that to happen to you,take care of yourself,alright? do it and you won't regret yourself! you can continue make someone's day now,i hope my presence does not bother you,i'm just here to send this message for you,alright? along with other peeps,and,look st the picture,it's a unicorn styled hair but Dan Nampaikid right? it's pretty funny huh,i can understand if you don't find it funny,i'm not forcing anyone to find it funny,but just look,at it,it makes people happy,Dan and other people tries to make everyone smile by their silly things,and i hope that you were,are and will make that magic to people,too.i don't know how,but i know you will!!
well,that's all i gotta say,please take care of yourself and be happy alright?i promise you won't regret it! i promise,,
see ya    

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CashieCashew In reply to usermem-e [2016-10-13 11:23:12 +0000 UTC]


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CashieCashew [2016-10-02 13:51:33 +0000 UTC]

Decimu is laifu

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HanaTheCat [2016-09-29 12:29:42 +0000 UTC]

I got a fucking cold
When I said ''I want to be ill''
Wow god rlly hears me
But it hurts 

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CashieCashew In reply to HanaTheCat [2016-09-29 15:06:41 +0000 UTC]

Kira blessed you sickness

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HanaTheCat In reply to CashieCashew [2016-09-29 15:09:39 +0000 UTC]


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cartoons10101 [2016-09-23 11:52:27 +0000 UTC]

Wait, which art program do you use? I've always wanted to know

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CashieCashew In reply to cartoons10101 [2016-09-23 14:41:00 +0000 UTC]

Aaa thanks for the question :'DD
I use Ibis Paint X

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cartoons10101 In reply to CashieCashew [2016-09-23 21:19:59 +0000 UTC]

Okay, I will check it out soon!

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OTHercici [2016-09-21 18:13:33 +0000 UTC]

Attack on titan?

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CashieCashew In reply to OTHercici [2016-09-22 10:13:04 +0000 UTC]

And yes

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OTHercici In reply to CashieCashew [2016-09-22 10:23:47 +0000 UTC]

What?? Noo. Eren is de best, u know that to. (Levi is a fu****** killer machine tho) can levi be a titan? No?

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CashieCashew In reply to OTHercici [2016-09-22 10:29:39 +0000 UTC]

Whoever you like tbh
But I prefer Mikasa
But actually I'm not that of a AOT fan tbh

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OTHercici In reply to CashieCashew [2016-09-22 13:15:30 +0000 UTC]

O ok. Lets never talk about this again then xD

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Lovelycatmarie [2016-09-18 20:29:59 +0000 UTC]

Lolol i like your icon xD

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CashieCashew In reply to Lovelycatmarie [2016-09-18 23:04:40 +0000 UTC]

I got it from myreadingmanga XD
(it's a BL website)

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chapparalgirl [2016-09-18 05:01:09 +0000 UTC]

thanks super much for adding meh work to ur collection 

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blandman42 [2016-09-16 00:18:00 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the favs!

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MagicFur [2016-09-10 08:36:37 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love your art.

btw are you up for a art trade?

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CashieCashew In reply to MagicFur [2016-09-10 10:26:15 +0000 UTC]

Hehehehe THANKS FRIEND! <333

a no sorry, they're closed :'o

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