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| BarryFromMars
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# Comments
Comments: 688
TheFriendlyElephant [2017-08-15 16:00:00 +0000 UTC]
Hey Barry! Hope you're having a great Birthday so far! Hope all is well!
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BarryFromMars In reply to Tillie-TMB [2016-12-23 06:11:50 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, Tillie.
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BarryFromMars In reply to dload1 [2016-10-09 00:26:52 +0000 UTC]
It's animals not previously covered in MLP: FIM drawn in the MLP: FIM style, not a bushel of "Idunno".
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Bojangleee [2016-06-28 21:30:11 +0000 UTC]
I like you already, can I join the pone-mosrite club?
I'll see your MK V and raise you a MK I
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-06-29 13:07:36 +0000 UTC]
Eh heh heh, Sure! I'm not sure how many members there would be (who would?) but I do like these beautiful guitars. Mainly I bought mine to sound like Ricky H. Wilson of the B-52s, plus the guitar is just plain comfortable. I'm also considering making a guitar similar to a Mosrite, with template of a Sears guitar I bought in a yard sale but with flipping it over; it looks vaguely like a Stratocaster as it is but it might make for a decent Ventures II copy.
BTW, here's my Last.fm profile. I'm wondering if we have musical tastes in common?
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-06-29 16:46:16 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I imagine it'd probably be a pretty exclusive club, heh.
I got my MK I trying to sound like Star Crunch from Man Or Astro-Man? but I've also been on the lookout for an MK V for the same reason as you (it's an arduous task though, Mosrites are rare as anything in the UK, my MK I was the only one I'd ever seen for sale here). There's definitely something magic about them.
Sears thing sounds cool, is it some kind of Silvertone?
Just looking through your Last.FM (I used to have it myself but it just stopped working, I would send mine but it's about 2 years out of date by now, ha), there's a fair few I also listen to on there: Joy Division, Brian Eno, The B-52s, The Beatles, Beach Boys, The Ventures, Devo, The Mummies, Talking Heads, Dick Dale. I stopped there because that's where it started only being 2 or 3 listens.
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-07-02 01:39:01 +0000 UTC]
I've seen at least one MK V for sale in the U.K. so maybe it's not as hard as you thought. It seems they're not as popular there though. Maybe check www.mosriteforum.com - I'm a member there (101Volts) and there's a classified section along with a section posting guitars for sale across the internet. www.Gbase.com may also have something but I'm not sure they list outside America. As for the department store guitar I bought, on recollection it's not a Silvertone but a one-pickup TeleStar with a white pickguard. It's like this one shown below but with a different pickup in a metal casing:
Sounds as if we have a big amount in common with musical interest. Do you listen to these bands/musicians too?
Flipron (They're from Glastonbury)
Midnight Oil
the Minutemen
St. Vincent
XTC (from Swindon, they also had a Psychedelic alter ego side project called "The Dukes of Stratosphear")
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-07-02 09:39:07 +0000 UTC]
I did come across an early production Ventures II with the MK II style folded vibrato in the UK, but by the time I'd sound it it'd been sold. Oddly enough, all the MK V's I've found for sale recently have been in Australia, all sunburst and all at a very good price, but different guitars. Strange. I did have a kick about on the classifieds on the Mosrite forum but at the time there were no MK V's for sale, though I should probably look more often, hah.
I can see what you mean about flipping it over, it'd definitely have that kind of shape going on.
I listen to St. Vincent quite a lot but not any of the rest, although I've been meaning to listen to The Minutemen forever now, I should really get around to it.
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-07-03 00:33:18 +0000 UTC]
I've seen a number of those around, as I understand it Mosrite just used what they had on hand to get the guitars out the door which is why they reused old stock often. Sometimes you might see a early 1960s Ventures model with white paint for the logo instead of black, for example.
Yes, the Minutemen had a great thing going on - though I have to admit the guitar parts can sometimes feel rough. I kept thinking "Maybe Partying Will Help" was like listening to a metal trash can fall down stone stairs.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-07-03 00:54:23 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I've read a lot about Mosrite's 'getting it done' thing, makes for some interesting finds (and I also really love it when they forgot to erase pencil lines on the wood and just coated over them).
Like listening to a metal trash can, you say?
(Not a guitar part, but it seemed appropriate, heh)
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-07-25 03:07:06 +0000 UTC]
How about some of the more ornate finishes Semie Moseley made? I saw a Celebrity model which used a foil under the finish.
That song did sound rough on the edges of guitar to me, honestly.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-07-25 05:38:21 +0000 UTC]
Mosrite seems to be one of the companies that I don't really see crazy finishes from. I did see a Mk V in a really nice silverburst, but other than that and the occasional sparkle, I can't seem to recall many strangely finished Mosrites.
Still looking for a Mk V, managed to find a couple, but they were both priced pretty extortionately, so still no luck.
Mmmhmm, very rough, and that song is even one of their more polished ones, heh.
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-07-28 13:57:22 +0000 UTC]
I believe I've seen the same Silverburst MK V for sale several times. There should be a MK I too. However, Semie Moseley sometimes made one of a kind guitars and the one with a foil on the headstock would be one of them. I was viewing the Mosrite Forum regularly some years ago and saw some interesting "one-offs" from time to time but a quick search showed nothing.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-07-28 17:14:33 +0000 UTC]
It's a pretty finish, for sure. I imagine collectors nabbed them up and aren't very interested in letting them go for a sane price...
I'm starting to think maybe I'll just get a nice old MK I, since I'm a few months into looking for a MK V and still have nothing. I found a couple of MK Vs on Reverb.com, but they were very messed up (one was refinished, reshaped and converted to left handed, the other had a bit of the neck heel chopped off and some weird shaped pickguard added).
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-07-29 00:34:21 +0000 UTC]
If you get a MK I it's going to have the neck in a different place and the slanted neck pickup. The whole feel is going to be different although I don't recall them having a different scale length from a MK V.
I've heard of multiple MK Vs with the body being hacked off for upper fret access, one looked professionally done with a refinish but the other was just cut and had no refinishing.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-07-29 05:43:35 +0000 UTC]
I know about the differences man, I've got an MIJ MK I that I love and I've been reading up quite a lot on the MK V (I seem to recall the MK V being a shorter scale due to how much further in the neck meets the body). It's mostly just out of exasperation at this point. I found a nice white MK V for sale in Italy at a pretty good price, but the owner wont ship internationally, sad times.
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-07-29 21:24:38 +0000 UTC]
I thought the MK I is a 24.75" scale length, is that correct? That's close to if not the same as the MK V; I just measured mine. It's just that the neck's set farther in. I never played a MK I (original or reissue) or even a Hallmark 60 Custom so I can't comment on how different they feel.
I did see a Sunburst MK V on Ebay.co.uk but it's astronomically priced at £3,158.14.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-07-29 21:36:35 +0000 UTC]
Huh, guess they are the same scale then.
Also, yeah, ouch, that's pretty much double what I was hoping to spend (though I've had to even bump that up looking at the prices around)
I found a nice Ink Blue one on Reverb, but it was over £4000(!!!), so I didn't go for it.
Also, this rather curious piece reverb.com/uk/item/1697519-mos…
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-07-30 01:20:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes, the MK V Bass. There were a few prototypes made but the ones I've seen for sale were no longer in scale length to make up for the fact they're basses. Speaking of prototypes, there are a few MK I type Baritones around which are longer in scale length.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-07-30 15:02:58 +0000 UTC]
I'm kinda considering getting so I could own a really rare Mosrite, but at the same time I have a 4003 so don't really need anything else bass wise.
A MK I baritone sounds pretty badass though
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-07-30 17:55:06 +0000 UTC]
The strings would be pretty floppy and wouldn't play in perfect tune up the neck since it's going to be a 24.5" scale length.
Here's one of the baritones:
There was a reissue/remake/etc of the baritone type and Eastwood made a guitar like it. I haven't played any of them though.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-07-31 19:03:45 +0000 UTC]
That's a pretty short bass indeed.
Baritone looks cool, shame it doesn't have a bridge pickup.
I've seen those Eastwood Mosrites, always thought they looked kinda off in one way or another.
Having said that I used to have one of their Hi Flier basses, which was a fine instrument.
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-08-03 01:13:42 +0000 UTC]
I may be wrong about those MK V Bass Prototypes, I only know some of the Celebrity Basses were that short but I'm not 100% sure of the MK V type. Still, it's too short to intonate properly as I've played Bass strings on guitars before for reason of emulating Ricky Wilson's sound which requires bass strings if tuned to CFxxFF a la Rock Lobster.
I did play one of the Hi Flier Guitars, it wasn't what I was looking for in a Mosrite type guitar to emulate Ricky. It felt more like a Les Paul and not near as "raw" like a banjo as I was looking for; it had deadened tone in that department. It's been eight years since I played one though. Hallmark makes some Mosrite style guitars and I've never played one but they do come a lot closer in aesthetics than other similar companies do, have you seen their MK II Slab Body type guitars? Those look awesome.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-08-03 17:25:15 +0000 UTC]
Being that short puts me in mind of the old Valco Pocket Bass, still weird, heh.
Yeah, I think the Eastwood Hi Fliers changed at some point. I saw a lot of pretty bad reviews for them pre-2010ish, but a lot of praise after that. The model had a big overhaul from what I understand.
The Hallmark IIs do indeed look good, I'd really like to try a Hallmark vibrato at some point.
Out of exasperation from looking for a MK V and not really seeing the point in owning 2 MK Is, I've started to look at Gretsch guitars recently, ones with Hilotron single coils for tha twaaaang.
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-08-08 14:14:06 +0000 UTC]
When I played an Eastwood it was March 2008. It had the overall shape correct but played more like a Les Paul. Hallmarks are also a little different; the necks aren't Mosrite-sized nor are the frets as low as an original model but again, Mosrite necks and frets aren't for everyone and were a common complaint about the guitars.
I'm not very familiar with Gretsch guitars. The most I know of them is from Stray Cats and Reverend Horton Heat and that the Flat Duo Jets named their band after a Gretsch. I also get the feeling that some models can be a handsome man's guitar which I'm not knocking, just commenting.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-08-08 17:27:39 +0000 UTC]
Yeahm I've read about Hallmark that it's like if Gibson designed the MK I, still good, just different. I know it's a pretty common feature on Mosrite copies to have bigger frets and a chunkier neck, which sucks for me because I love my Mk I's neck profile and tiny little frets. Oh well...
I've been looking into Gretsches a fair bit recently, mostly because Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet and Man Or Astro-Man? both used them, at least early on, and I love the Shadowy Men sound, and the guitar tone of the early MOAM? albums. I think I get what you're saying though, they can certainly be a bit flashy, even garish sometimes.
(Also, a strange observation, Gretsch might be the only brand I've seen where it's often cheaper to buy a vintage example than a new one, obviously varying from model to model)
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-08-17 02:04:42 +0000 UTC]
Wosrite (if they still use the name,) that's Tym Guitars in Australia, is one company that might make Mosrite-spec necks. I don't know.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-08-17 05:36:34 +0000 UTC]
Always liked Tym Guitars, but I think he stopped building guitars about 10 years ago now, which is a shame because I'd really like to try one. Being on the wrong hemisphere of the planet is also a problem in that regard
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BarryFromMars In reply to Bojangleee [2016-10-13 23:47:28 +0000 UTC]
I'm not sure what else to say. I thought I'd at least respond.
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Bojangleee In reply to BarryFromMars [2016-10-14 17:47:23 +0000 UTC]
Fair one.
Well, the situation hasn't changed too much. I'm still kinda torn between a Mk V, Jazzmaster or Gretsch, just now I have a bit more money to spend...
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