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| AREA01
# Statistics
Watchers: 860; Pageviews: 170078
# Group admins
# About me
Area 01 is a selected group of individuals who all share one thing in common the love for interface design. This club was started by =badboythemer and his very good mate ~xdreamer in late 2006 and will remain as long as there is a love for this form of art.
# Comments
Comments: 895
El3ment4l [2019-12-22 01:57:57 +0000 UTC]
Good god, I've been going back through my entire history on DeviantArt and boy did I forget about the world I left behind.Β
The entire idea of interfacing like this died before it could mature. Web 2.0 and the focus on page load speeds and adoption of minimalism means all of this just kinda... faded away.
What a trip. Call out to Jeff, Rob, Cosmo, Axe, EJSing, Tim, Exile, and the rest. Deeply miss this time in my life. What a ride. What a trip was.
btw: anyone with an idea of how to get some work doing peripherally related stuff like this these days hit me up eric@psychoactive.ca. Cheers guys.
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to El3ment4l [2020-07-16 08:56:06 +0000 UTC]
hai old friend, spewing you didnt shout me out lol, hope your well and indeed great great memories. im still in touch on social media with several of the guys. Stay safe brotherΒ Β
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AdrenalineGrafix [2014-07-31 02:08:57 +0000 UTC]
When I get better at interface designing I would like to join. I practice all the time.
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to AdrenalineGrafix [2014-08-06 09:38:01 +0000 UTC]
keep up your practice and we shall see
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Amedot [2014-06-24 13:31:58 +0000 UTC]
Hello, do you guys also do website layouts for games?Β
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EdnaldoTrajano [2013-10-21 15:10:25 +0000 UTC]
I need a set of 25 medals for my website.
Who cares to do?
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to EdnaldoTrajano [2013-11-21 13:37:22 +0000 UTC]
Sorry about the very late reply, do you still need this work done ?
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EdnaldoTrajano In reply to EnzuDes1gn [2014-03-30 21:16:47 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I still need this job ... and I already have a model to follow.
How can we communicate? Do you have skype? Do you have Whatsapp?
My email is: ednaldo_trajano@hotmail.com
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to EdnaldoTrajano [2014-04-03 08:20:21 +0000 UTC]
i'll email you later tomorrow.
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EdnaldoTrajano In reply to EnzuDes1gn [2014-04-03 18:27:06 +0000 UTC]
I'm needing to be done a number of medals (24 models).
I have a template for you is based!
These medals will be for level translator on my website!
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to EdnaldoTrajano [2014-04-04 05:54:24 +0000 UTC]
Please send me a note, as I do not wish to discuss business in public.
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Kotrla [2013-08-13 12:22:45 +0000 UTC]
Sent a join request.. After a year I think i got a lil bit better ^^
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Furinkaazen [2013-08-05 15:02:33 +0000 UTC]
awesome group, will join someday just need more and better deviations i guess
.. i hope the group stills active till then
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to Furinkaazen [2013-08-07 14:52:56 +0000 UTC]
Invite now sent to join us
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to Furinkaazen [2013-08-06 13:41:12 +0000 UTC]
We should still be round a bit longer yet
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starmanjb [2013-05-28 15:50:46 +0000 UTC]
Dear me, I think I may have shot myself in the foot. When I praised those off you who gave your work for free, it does not mean that those who have to charge a fee are any less great people. I fully understand that some of you are doing it as a means of living and I fully respect that also. I hope I have not caused any pain to anyone. Please forgive this Silversurfer who is 63 and can be a tad too quick to shoot of at the mouth!!
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to starmanjb [2013-06-05 11:30:01 +0000 UTC]
lol it's ok, your words were just fine, it's wonderful to see all ages enjoying what we do, and yes most of us at AREA01 are indeed paid professional designers, and do this as or part of our living. Have a great day yourself, and enjoy the works.
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starmanjb [2013-05-28 15:42:10 +0000 UTC]
Ah em having such a great time here. Many of you are amazingly talented, creating such beautiful works of art! Oh, BTW ahm seriously impressed that you share your work with us 4 freeeee! God bless you folks. And do have a magnificent day; you deserve it.
There is hope for mankind yet!
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EverlastingMedia [2013-04-16 03:37:38 +0000 UTC]
Want a commission? I'm looking to rebuild www.fragleague.com from the ground up. Anyone who wants to do it for free can sign their work, otherwise, I'll be paying for it with no names attached. Anyone game?
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to EverlastingMedia [2013-04-21 13:59:07 +0000 UTC]
I'll create a new design for the header etc, but I won't do it for free, I'm not bothered if my name is attached or not, please note me if your interested
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mf2013 [2013-04-09 04:30:01 +0000 UTC]
I need my logo redesigned
and into 3D
sci fi genre
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mf2013 In reply to EnzuDes1gn [2013-04-09 17:00:13 +0000 UTC]
some where between $100 to $150 dollars
I would need in vector formats
and 3D.
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to mf2013 [2013-04-10 10:45:50 +0000 UTC]
if your after a sci fi tech, filled with detail style design for your logo, you can forget vector lol
Best bet is to have it created in a very large res, so it can be resized for different print, thats what I do for clients who want high impact detail in a logo
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mf2013 In reply to EnzuDes1gn [2013-04-10 19:53:06 +0000 UTC]
actually I need my current logo redesigned
to have stylized letters as part of overall look
like Halo or Star Craft II
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to mf2013 [2013-04-11 08:32:15 +0000 UTC]
could you send me a note with a full sized version of your current logo, so I can get more of an idea what your wanting ?
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mf2013 In reply to EnzuDes1gn [2013-04-12 15:44:51 +0000 UTC]
My 3D logo is to have a unique Sci-Fi look for branding purposes.
Here are the two style cues in my link.
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to mf2013 [2013-04-14 09:08:08 +0000 UTC]
You can't really have a detailed sci fi logo in vector format lol, it's not possible, vector refers to the ability to resize and not lose image quality, with detail it does not work.
The other one is no problem though.
Send me a personal note to my profile if your interested, I could begin work right away. As for $ the cost, we'll discuss that via the note.
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Ostdarva [2013-03-16 17:17:09 +0000 UTC]
I am an Operations Manager for a gaming community. We are a very social (growing) gaming community focused on quality people. We currently have about 200 members with around 50-60 actives. We are beginning to register in league play for Battlefield 3. We have a strong foundation in All Points Bulletin: Reloaded and we will be doing mass recruiting for Elder Scrolls: Online. We are in dire need of a website facelift & forum functionality. I believe that with a new facelift we can become an even stronger, bigger community. If anyone is interested in doing some commission website design work for great people please let me know at your earliest convenience.
I am open to be contacted here or via email.
Email: zero_fx@ymail.com
Thanks and take care,
deviantART muro drawing
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to Ostdarva [2013-03-18 12:20:17 +0000 UTC]
Hello Adam, please contact me using my website, to discuss things in further details thanks
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MilaGFX [2012-12-06 18:57:36 +0000 UTC]
Hello there would love to join ! I have a few interface/techy designs on my devi profile but I'm a new member of encide so my style will no doubt improve drasticly over the coming months , thanks for taking the time to read
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to MilaGFX [2012-12-18 08:18:11 +0000 UTC]
Once you have some more work in your gallery come see us again
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DutchGraphics [2012-07-29 02:24:49 +0000 UTC]
Im ready for another attempt to join this group! lol I am determined and dedicated! I added/am adding some new material to my page. so check it out and see if I meet the requirements. Thanks!!!
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EnzuDes1gn In reply to DutchGraphics [2012-08-15 03:55:55 +0000 UTC]
less 3D, more interface please
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