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| silver-chan
# Statistics
Favourites: 232; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 173
Watching: 43; Pageviews: 20769; Comments Made: 2272; Friends: 43
# Comments
Comments: 266
ADD-Dragon [2007-02-04 08:06:50 +0000 UTC]
I'm not sure if this pic is yours, but it's stolen. lD;;
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RedrumWolf [2006-03-11 21:02:04 +0000 UTC]
ur art is ubber nice and ur Avatar too!!
if u ever do gifts or art trades pls note me :3
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PlushiePaws [2006-02-17 02:50:32 +0000 UTC]
wow your gallery and style is amazing!! i just love your wolves! deff think im gonna watch ya
much love
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superman121582 [2006-02-16 03:05:08 +0000 UTC]
eee... Hows it goin'? Howya doin'? Anything new? hehehe
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Quiet-Kitten [2006-01-20 18:35:09 +0000 UTC]
I reeeeeally love your gallery. I do some tattoo design myself, so I went perusing DA to see if there was much of a base for tattoo design, and I stumbled across your 'Toxic Butterfly'. Much much much love.
<3<3 My gallery is empty empty empty atm..but I'll be putting stuff up soon!
<3 Kitten
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superman121582 [2006-01-13 06:23:20 +0000 UTC]
you are just the person i've been loking for! i have been looking everywhere and trying to draw my own wings... i finale was like "why havent i looked on devianART?" so after looking through about 4075938475987457 pages i found your "gets its wings" and it was like a bright light shown down on my computer and angels sang, you know? well i was wondering if you had or could do an extended wing? my plan is to get a wing from each wrist going up each forearm with a few flames and a small tattered banner with a few words on them... i have the whole thing in my head and i have my banners done and the flames but i seem to suck at realistic wings and you rock and i think you most deff are the best wingstress i have ever seen.
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LightSilverstar [2006-01-05 04:45:09 +0000 UTC]
I luv yer pix!
Teehee! On DA, my identity ish Silver-chan.
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SpazzyMcMazzy [2005-11-29 12:45:35 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I like your gallery, mind if i watch you?
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AprilRain [2005-11-22 22:35:35 +0000 UTC]
sweet heart i still havent seen your tattoo you shoudl send me a pic of it.
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DarkSandstorm [2005-11-12 05:22:38 +0000 UTC]
It's a Mad World.
I cant forget about special people like you
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DarkSandstorm [2005-11-11 01:32:26 +0000 UTC]
Hello. I just wanted to let you know that I'm back on DA. I used to be FlaccidSoul. Now I'm DarkSandstorm . Maybe you could check me out sometime.
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Beachrockz4eva [2005-09-28 07:30:03 +0000 UTC]
the way you draw wings..
there is something about them that makes them stand out
Excellent drawings
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Aerisyka [2005-05-12 22:28:04 +0000 UTC]
Silvae o_o
Hi! 'Member me? (It's Danica from DMC.) Saw your DA a while ago, long time really, it was from a link on the old proboards site. But anyway, long pointless stories aside, I have a DA now and can therefore fave you. Your art rawks! I envy your prismacoloring skills.
Oh, and hope everything's going ok for ya now. Last time you posted on DMC you had a lot of crap going on. So I hope you're feelin' better.
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FlaccidSoul [2005-05-05 07:34:25 +0000 UTC]
You never told me you like VAST!
I like the song 'Touched.'
Any other bands I dont know about that we both like?
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spectral-d [2005-04-28 04:03:05 +0000 UTC]
I hereby inform you that I (RYOU-0013) has moved from to ; while Spec-D remains at
. So if you devwatch for RYOU's arts, please update your list to .
Thank you for your attention.
+ R Y O U + 0 0 1 3 +
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saint-conspiracy [2005-04-20 13:46:25 +0000 UTC]
in browsing d.a for tattoo designs...i stumbled joyfully across you.
i give you this advice:
never comprimise, your art is wonderful, never let ANYONE tell you otherwise.
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noruff [2005-04-20 01:05:48 +0000 UTC]
wolfs...wolfs..wolfs i love wolfs....i like ur gallery...must run and add to watch list..... *snap*
eh srry bout that wnt into a trance when i saw all the pertiful wolfs in your gallery
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StarRise [2005-03-24 17:45:45 +0000 UTC]
I'm just randomly surfing around because I am bored and have nothing else to do, and stumbled upon your personal quote. I must tell you that it is one of the funniest and truest things that I have seen in a long time. It ranks right up there with "The only self-cleaning thing around here is the cat..."
All right... I'm ranting off and off my rocker. Pretty typical. Sorry if I scare you...
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shakou-ookami [2005-03-09 05:47:58 +0000 UTC]
HELLO! This is Aku, from DMC :3 I haven't been on dA in forever, but decided to go on again for a bit. Now I get to see all your prettyful art.
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eyeofthenyte [2005-03-02 18:04:30 +0000 UTC]
You are absolutely amazing. I probably say that half out of awe and half out of jealousy. I love wolves and I always have. Anyone who can draw them as well as you I am atleast partially jealous of. Love the work keep it up.
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CrescentMoon [2004-12-27 11:12:06 +0000 UTC]
Woa!! your wolfies!! *shakes tail*
Mind if I watch you?
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BlackWolf-Embers [2004-12-04 22:14:04 +0000 UTC]
your gallery and style is wonderful
i must stalk you
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kittaire [2004-12-03 23:24:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the fav on that pic of Bo and Eli, Silv.
Wish I got the chance to chat with you more often lately, as things at GF and DM are running dry at the moment, but yush. Just thought I'd drop you a line.
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Mornie1 [2004-11-13 11:09:44 +0000 UTC]
hi... I just
your gallery...it's sooooo nice....
I love your wolf drawings....
Wolves are the cutest animals on the earth....
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neffy [2004-11-10 23:50:34 +0000 UTC]
Silver Wolf
is a Fantasy Artist
is Female
is a deviant since Mar 22, 2003, 3:31 PM
has 6,666 pageviews
Cool number too, heh! Congrats.
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Kahvie [2004-11-08 19:49:55 +0000 UTC]
Such a beautiful gallery...I hope you don't mind another stalker!
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ChibiNightcrawler15 [2004-10-10 18:33:55 +0000 UTC]
Don't be surprised if I fave every single one of your deviations.
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autumnfire [2004-10-10 09:54:06 +0000 UTC]
You have wonderful wolf art! wow. I must watch you now
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XueDragonsong [2004-10-09 16:20:54 +0000 UTC]
WOW! Your wolf art is AMAZING! I love ALL OF YOUR ART. Gee...I might have to Fav it all!
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